What We Did to Jordan

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     Hello, my name is Anna. You know when you hear news of kids commiting suicide? You shrug, think how it  could never happen to you, and forget about it. But then it does happen. Here is the uneventful story of what we did to Jordan. 

     Monday afternoon, bell rings. Finally school was over. I grabbed my bag and walked home. The walk was a quiet, humdrum walk. Things begin to feel habitual when you do them every day.  I arrived home and immediatly opened my computer; there's not much work when you're in eighth grade. I went onto facebook. I was delighted to see that I had a new friend request. Mark Blaine. Hmm, I thought. Didn't sound familiar.

     I began to stalk his profile. He didn't have many friends, but almost all of them were mutual friends. He seemed to be friends with most of the girls in my class. I clicked on the profile picture. "Wow he's cute!" and just like that, Mark Blaine and I became friends on Facebook. 

          Tuesday lunch, and everything was normal. Due to the fact that we had a small school, and a small grade, our lunchroom was merely a classroom. There were four tables that were usually occupied. Four small tables that each sat five girls. Like I said, we had a small class. There was Table #1, where sat Jen, Olivia, Margo, Ally, and Sarah. The girls that were too prudent to ever really be a part in anything, yet too admiral to make fun of. At Table #2 sat Amy, Jordana, Kate, Julia, and Molly; the almost popular girls. Table #4 seated the popular girls, Jamie, Val, Amanda, Kara, and Dahlia. As I walked by them, I waved. That's really all we really were; acquintences; not quite friends. But that was okay. I had Liz. As I approached Table #5, I spotted Liz sitting there. Yes, we had three empty chairs at our table, but we didn't mind.We had eachother. Liz was scarfing down a big plate of food. Despite her slim figure, Liz ate a lot. We talked our usual palaver, nothing greater than the normal. Nothing exciting. Mark Blaine never came up again, that is, until Tuesday evening. 

      My laptop beeped. Two new facebook messages. "wow," I thought, "I must be popular tonight" I opened the first one. It was from Liz.

OMG. Mark Blaine just messaged me a picture of his man parts!"

      I gulped, noticing my second message was, how ironic, from Mark. I made the mistake of clicking on it. It was the first  time I'd seen one. Due to the fact that I attended a rather strict Catholic School, Boys and girls were seperated, so I didn't really have the chance to see one. 

     I gasped in shock! Who would do such a thing? What kind of guy was this? Come to think of it, I didn't even know what school the thug attended. I scrutinized his profile picture once again. "Mark" didn't look like the regular thirteen year old boy he portrayed himself as. The picture seemed more like a nineteen year old model. I gulped. What if this was a creepy old man? another buzz from Liz reminded me that I hadn't even replied to her first message.

Liz- Hello?

Me- OMG I also got the pic? I'm so scared. I think Mark Blaine might really be a perverted old man!

Liz- I'm like still in shock. But I don't think it's an old man. I think Mark is a boy in our grade, striving to make a joke, but desperately failing. 

Me- You really think so?

Liz- I know so. He's only friends with people in our grade. Anyways, I'm gonna go to  bed. But Anna, do not talk to ANYONE about this!

     Wednesday morning, I had cooled of from the situation. Liz seemed to as well, because she looked bright and cheery as always. We talked by my locker as usual, awaiting the first bell. Suddenly, Jamie, Val, Amanda, Kara and Molly approached. "Hey!" they said in unsion. "Hi" Liz and I responded. It wasn't every day the popular girls began to talk to us. "So," Jamie asked, "Do you know anything interesting about this new Mark guy? He's friends with everyone on Facebook. I'm dying to know the scoop." 

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