officially lockdowned

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I looked at the clock, 10 a.m. I didn't know if that was early or late for this family. Ruel's door was closed, but the others were half open.

-Good morning ... Did you sleep well? - Kate greeted me downstairs with a warm hug. I nod and noticed the sweet smell in the air

- Mmmm, pancakes- I sighed

-Yes, Coco it's making some! – How could she be that happy all the time?

Ralph was on the couch next to the window reading a book, when he noticed me he greeted me with a warm smile. Why everyone on this family was so sweet and caring? I followed the smell of pancakes to found Sylvie and Coco cooking together.

- Good morning! You came in the right moment; the pancakes are finished – Sylvie sang

- Hope you slept well. Did you heard the news? – Coco asked me putting two pancakes with strawberries in my plate

- Coco chill, she just woke up - Sylvie laughed

- No, what happened?- I asked

- The government has published that we are on alert because of the coronavirus. The shops and restaurants are closing and they advised that it's better if we self-isolate... that means no classes, no hang outs with friends, social life is dead- Coco stated putting her hand on her chest and doing like she was fainting.

- wow this is crazy! So I wont be able to return home until longer than what I expected- I said. It was my last year... the one that I have never wished to happen. And I was going to spend it far away from my family and friends. I have always been afraid of not enjoying the moment, and this year I made a promise to myself to enjoy every single moment at school... and I'm being lockdown?! How was I supposed to graduate, to continue my classes?! I sighed

- Don't worry, you'll find a way to go back home earlier- Sylvie cheered me up.

Ruel appeared on the kitchen door.

- Good morning Ruely!- Sylvie sang again and Ruel groaned. He was not a morning person... he put himself some pancakes, two toasts, some fruits and a big mug. He had a huge appetite.

- So we are lockdown?! Six people and one house... let the hunger games begin! – he shouted half laughing

- Oh shut up Ruel- Coco exclaimed tapping his shoulder. We all laughed

- Don't worry ... we have enough food- Kate said from the living room

- yes until Ruel starts to eat- Sylvie exclaimed back

- oh that hurts!- he said putting a hand on his chest pretending being hurt.

The four of us stayed on the kitchen until Ruel and I finished our breakfast. It was 11.30 a.m. Sylvie and Coco went upstairs to finish some homework. Ruel and I were left alone.

-where are you from?- he suddenly spoked

- Chicago

- cool! I have a few friends there- he stated. After that we went silent. I went to wipe my things on the sink. I could feel his eyes on my back.

- how many time are you going to stay?- he added

- I don't know. I guess until I can come back to Chicago... three weeks? Maybe five? I don't know- I said turning around. He was watching me like if he tried to look through my soul.

- all this shit is crazy- he said running a hand through his hair

- don't tell me- I half laughed. After I finished I went upstairs.

What was I supposed to do now? I couldn't get out, and I didn't have any homework because I worked ahead knowing that this trip was going to take most of my spring break. I did my bed and looked through Instagram and tik tok. 


hey!! this one is shorter because i feel like it's very tiresome to read all of that... anyways, i hope you're liking it so far!! please vote or comment if you liked it, because if not, i feel like this is stupid 😓

stay safe, happy and healthy <33

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