Pink and white

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Today I just received my books, my computer and some more clothes from my mom. I was stressed because she told me that I had to do online school but since the time zones were very different, the teachers will film the classes and I will see them later. I spend the day in my room doing math, biology and chemistry. So I went to shower and decided that it will be good to go outside and try to be a little be creative.

- Ruel?- I said knocking on his door. He opened it

- can I borrow your guitar for a moment?- I asked

- sure, what for though?- he said letting me enter his room.

- umm you know just to chill for a little bit- I answered unsure

- cool, can I come with you?


We headed down, and sat down in a beige bench while I was humming a certain melody, that I knew way too well

- what are you singing? He asked, changing his posture to be in front of me. I remained silent, thinking how would I response. 

- don't laugh at me, please- i suggested him. More than a suggestion it was a plea

- I won't, promise - he stated.

- this is like the first "song" I've ever written- I declared

-what? That's great!!- he exclaimed

-what's great?- Coco asked entering the balcony followed by Sylvie. That wasn't that great. I didn't need public.

- Olivia writes songs!

- I won't call them like that bec- I started but Coco cut me off

- no way!! Maybe you can write a song together!! Or do a collab- She shouted

- ehhh

- show us something- Sylvie said.

(an: this song it's called Teenage Mind by Tate Mcrae. I love her so soo much)

Some girls get all done up, lose their face to repair
They attend every party, but it's taking them nowhere
Some think it's funny, say they don't even care
But on the inside they wish they were there

What have we come to now?
We all wanna be like the rest
Can't describe just how
But we're all a beautiful mess
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
"He called you back?" "Wait, wasn't he mine?"
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
Lost in the puzzle of the teenage mind

Some boys make the trouble and think they're all "it"
Constantly in company or thrown to the ditch
And some are just there to have a good time
Ignoring every bit of drama and each little lie

What have we come to now?
We all wanna be like the rest
Can't describe just how
But we're all a beautiful mess
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
"He called you back?" "Wait, wasn't he mine?"
One moment we're broken and then we're fine

What have we come to now?
Can't describe just how
One moment we're broken and then we're fine
They said "hello" but missed goodbye
We are all insane inside
And no one's gonna figure out the teenage mind

I looked up and saw the three of them speechless. I smiled to myself

- you are incredible- Coco shouted and came to hug me

- you are the next pop artist discovery!!- Sylvie exclaimed as well


I was speechless, she was really good. She had something special.

- it seems that I have rivalry- I stated mischievously, earning a smile back

- I don't think so, this is only for fun- she added

- I think you would be a really good singer- Coco exclaimed

-Nononono! Trust me you don't want me to be a singer... plus I have already my future planned: university, work, you know the usual-

-it's a pity because you have a really good voice and you write very well- Sylvie said. Olivia shifted uncomfortably on the couch

- if that's what she wants, let her- I mumbled.

We went silent. I can only listen to the birds and the ocean waves from far away. It was good to be lockdown in Australia: we lived surrounded by nature so you didn't feel that locked up

Suddenly Ruel grabbed the guitar and started playing Pink and White from Frank Ocean. His voice was so calming, when he finished with the lyrics, the melody kept playing. Until he placed the guitar and surrounded my shoulders with his arms, pulling me closer to him. It was in a romantic way, I think, it was in a friendly way  

-I've seen on tik tok that a lot of people were doing Chloe Tingz's workouts so why don't we try to do some?- Coco shouted from the kitchen causing us to break from the closeness  

- you've never been the athletic type- Ruel added. Coco turned her out in my direction with her eyes really open, it was scary. She throwed a pillow to his face

-Ouch! What team are you on? He exclaimed turning his face to me. He earned a wide laugh in return

- anyways I'm going to my room, don't break anything- I grabbed my guitar and went upstairs.

-i'm going with you Coco! I stated happily


Hello guys!! Thanks for reading and voting!!❤️❤️❤️

I will be on the beach with my friends, so I'll try my best to update!! 

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