D.T.R.-Define the Relationship

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~Zac's P.O.V.~

I had looked at the back of his head for weeks, I know that's kind of creepy but I had looked at his face too. His name was Luke Thompson. He sat in front of me in American Literature 101, we both attended Cerritos College in Malibu, California. We had never said a single word to each other but we had texted every night for weeks. But whenever we saw each other outside of the digital universe we acted like the other didn't exist. It wasn't my idea but he wanted to protect his "reputation," I hoped someday he would actually accept himself and be open about us.
We had, had a "thing" for a while now but I wasn't sure if I could continue knowing nothing was coming out of it. We weren't in a relationship but I wanted us to be. If only he wanted that. For that to happen he would need to accept that he was gay. But he couldn't, he kept telling me that he was bi and he wasn't ready to confirm anything. Just watching him walk around campus anybody could tell he was gay. Sadly he came from a really religious family so it didn't surprise me that he didn't want to say he was gay.
All I really wanted was just to be able to talk to him. But being one of three completely out gay guys made me kind of defensive, I was beat up in high school, a lot. So I was scared cause any communication could mean me with a black eye. I know, I know what about the other two, well I could of gone for one of them but they're together so that wouldn't exactly work out. If all works out Luke says he wants to come out soon, but soon could mean in a month so at this point I just have to take what I can get.

~Luke's P.O.V.~

As the lecture ended I got up grabbed my books and looked back at him. God, Zac was so cute. Why would he talk to me, why couldn't I just tell me parents and friends I was gay? All things I planned on getting the answers too soon. Parents weekend was coming up and I planned to tell them then, how would I do it? Where would I do it? There were so many things to consider. I just felt bad like I was disappointing my family. I was the youngest of 4 kids, and all my siblings were now doctors or lawyers, and also very straight with spouses. Also my father was priest and I didn't know if he would still love me, he always said, "I am your father and I will love you no matter what." But this was something bigger than I think he would expect.
I felt like I should tell Zac, but he probably wouldn't believe me since I wouldn't even talk to him outside of texting. I felt horrible every time I would see him in the halls or at the quad. He only had two friends he would talk to. He seemed happy with that but I was depriving him of something I knew he had always wanted, a relationship. I had all the intentions of getting there eventually it was just I needed to be out before I could. It actually physically hurt me that I couldn't be with him in that way, and every time we saw each other then looked the other way I felt a pain in my stomach, but that was the way it had to be.
Once I got back to my dorm I got out my phone and messaged him, "hey whts up?" It felt like hours had gone before he finally replied, this is how the conversation went:
Zac: Hey nm
Me: same, so I have something important to tell you...
Zac: Ok wht is it?
Me: well I've decided...to come out to my parents during parents weekend...
Zac: Really?!?!?!?!?
Me: yeah why so surprised?
Zac: I just didn't expect it so soon...
Me: do u think I shouldn't?
Zac: No no no I think you should!!! It's just where do WE go from there?
Me: where do u want it to go?
Zac: Personally I want a relationship but if thts not wht u want then I think this "thing" should end now...
Me: that's why I want to...I was just scared but I think aft R I come out I will b ready
Zac: Oh thank god
Me: yeah and I was wondering if you weren't doing anything tomorrow u might wanna go c a movie or something
Zac: sure I'll meet u at the theatre at 8
Me: cool I'll c u then I gtg write my creative writing paper bibi

: I melted, we were going to go on a date, a real date. I mean we weren't a couple yet but I could see if I actually wanted a relationship with him. I thought I did but how could I know, I had never actually said a word to him.

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