New Friends

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As the newbie, you can get really lonely.It was the second day of school and i'm already an outcast.Live is pretty boring.Neon was my desk mate and he was really annoying.He kept shoving me and sending me letters' Freak newbie', 'Brown headed nerd' It was literally annoying.What did he have against brown headed girls! 

Other than that,he was really quiet in the halls.He would cover his face and lean on the lockers till the bell rang.Weird isn't it? It's also weird for me to observe someone from a distance for fifteen minutes..Next was Science,Mr Sam,our Science teacher was a plump man with a protruding stomach.Although he had an waggish features,he was very serious with his work.

I was partnered up with a girl called Amanda,she was a kind smart girl.She had a beautiful eyes and...

"Mrs.Summers pay attention"

"Sorry Mr" 

That was so embarrassing.Every was looking at me.At that moment,my heart stopped.I didn't concentrate the rest of the lesson.What a great day so far. It was lunch time,i got my snacks and sat alone.For the first time,someone actually joined me...It was Amanda.

''Can i sit with you?''


Turns out,we had so much in common.She wanted to be a fashion designer when she's older.It was a good idea since she had a great sense of fashion.After talking for a while,Tyler came and gave Amanda a hug and said hi to me.My heart shattered...Were they a thing?

"Umm... i have to go and...umm... arrange my locker. Bye guys"

"Awe...ok Bye Kayla"

I ran into the girls bathroom and started crying.Amanda and Tyler...a thing...i should be happy,shouldn't i?...

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Hey My Creeps,i will be posting on Mondays,Wednesdays and Saturdays.Thanks for reading...There's part two of New Friends

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