𝟔 Just hits, no misses

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I sat with my back to the building, waiting. I was cold so I got Cloakie to wrap itself around me. I was staring to slowly fall asleep, when a car pulled up...they were here.

I stood up and started to walk to the car, they also stepped out the car and ran to me. I threw myself on them and held on like I would disappear if I let go.

       "Oh, my god. Y/n i can't believe I'm saying this, but I missed you so much. I almost got the FBI to look into something, you disappeared for 3 months."
I smiled and pulled away from the hug.

      "Wow, the Tony Stark cares about me. I feel so honored."
Tony wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lead me to the car.

"Where were you? Your bed was empty and Peter said he walked in and you were gone."
...hold up, what?

"You know Peter? How?"
Tony went wide eyed for half a second then smiled.

"Peter has an internship at Stark Corporations. That's how I know who he was when he went to visit you in the hospital."

"But it doesn't make sense. Why would Peter visit me if I barely even talked to him. Yes I had him in a few classes and he's friends with my friends, but we didn't really talk."
Tony pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to me. It was my phone.

It had 910 unread messages from MJ, some dating from 3 months ago to yesterday. 470 unread messages from Ned, also from 3 months ago to yesterday. Then there was 13 from a random number. They were all sent yesterday.

I went to go click on the message when the car stopped. I looked up and saw the Avengers building. Boxes were being pulled out the building.
        "What's going on? What's happening?"

       "We're moving Upstate."
Wait, but I go to Midtown Tech...I think?

       "What about me? Won't I be going to Midtown?"
Tony stopped for a sec then smiled.

        "You'll live in the apartment that you're living in, and Happy will check up every night. You will also be training with me everyday in case you have another almost death experience."
Tony walked out the car and I just sat there...

"Wait so you're telling me I'll drive upstate everyday?"

"We're not moving right now. In like 3 months but we are getting everything ready. Plus Cap and I had some disagreement so we're moving but like I said, in 3 months. In the meantime you will be living here and practicing with me."

"Who's Cap? And what happened?"

"Accords, stuff so Avengers no more. But that's ok I have a new person with me."



"Oh. Well I guess I better get some sleep."
I walked out and over to my room. It wasn't touched at all over the 3 months. I laid down and started to drift off to sleep, when the door was barged open.

"Get up! You are wearing bloody clothes and you need to shower for tomorrow."
I turned over and saw Tony.

"What's tomorrow?"

"Your first day back to school! Now go shower!"
I got up and took a shower. After brushing my teeth I jumped into bed and laid down. I was starting to sleep when I heard the door open. The person walked over to the bed and sat down.

"I know you're asleep...but I just wanted to say, I missed you a lot kid. I know you were only with us 2 weeks, but I've never laughed and smiled as much as I did those 2 weeks. I know you have a dad and a family and I can't keep you here forever, but I'm happy to spend as much time I can with you...sleep well Y/n..."

"Boss, are you crying?"

"Shut up, FRYDAY. Goodnight kid."
I felt Tony get up from the bed and close the door as he left. I wiped my eyes and tried to fall asleep.


I walked up the two stairs I had to get to my locker, and found it. I went to open the locker when I remembered I didn't remember the combination...

I started to kick at my locker, hopefully that worked. I kept kicking till I heard a bang, like someone dropped their books. I looked over and then felt myself being tackled to the ground.

I sat up and looked up to see MJ getting up and slightly jumping up and down. I chuckled and got up, and immediately got pulled into a hug.
        "I missed you too MJ."
She pulled back and punched me in the arm.

         "What the hell, Y/n! Why did you disappear! You've been gone 3 months!"
I went to say something when I heard more books drop. It was Ned and he was with Peter at his locker.

        "Y/n? Oh, my God!"
Ned grabbed Peter by the sleeve and walked over to us. He walked over and gave me a hug.

         "Hey, what happened to the Chemistry project?"

     "Oh, we got an A+! Yeah he just let us slide with it."

      "That's great!"

        "No it's not. Where the he'll were you these past 3 months!"
I could tell the truth and say my dad and I are wizards and someone is trying to kill me.

       "I got kidnapped!"
Or I could say that.

       "You got kidnapped? In the hospital?"

       "Yeah! One second I'm awake and the next I'm in some random building. It was traumatic and I got abused a lot."
I got blasted yesterday so it left a bruise. I lifted part of my shirt and showed them the massive bruise. Their faces all scrunched up and looked away.

        "That's why you didn't answer my text?"

        "Yeah...anyway we should get to class."
I walked away from them to my chemistry class, Ned followed suit.


I was sitting in my English class, minding my business, when someone loudly sat next to me. I jumped and dropped my phone on the table. I looked over and saw Peter...

        "I'm sorry, did I scare you?"
I slightly laughed and shook my head.

        "No, you're fine. I was zoned out and it just startled me."

        "Oh, um 3 months ago, I meant to ask you, how did you get shot?"

        "Well, I was throwing away trash in an alley way, when a man pulled a gun on me and was trying to get me to go with him, or I would be shot and killed. I was begging that someone was there and I screamed for help, when he shot me. He got close and before he could do anything, this weirdo in sweatpants, and a jacket with a mask webbed up his gun. While he was distracted, I punched him and went to book it, forgetting I was shot and fell. I went to get up when the man held me down, not the gun man, but the one in sweats. He Straddled me, till MJ and Ned showed up and MJ pushed him off, but he fell straight on my leg. Ned was like 'That's Spider-Man!' But MJ didn't care and they held me up and took me to the hospital."
Peter's face showed his was shook. He sat up and took a breath.

"Wow...I can't imagine what you had to go through. Thank god for Spider-Man, you know."
I slightly laughed and sat up.

"Yeah, I mean thank god for Spider-Man...if I ever got to meet him again I would tell him how grateful for him and that he saved me."
Peter smiled, but it was cut short as the bell rang and the teacher started class...


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