𝟏 𝟐 Letters

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Dear Tony,
I love you. I know we've technically have been together for about 3 weeks, but I've know you for 4 months, and I'm so grateful. You were my dad when my dad wasn't. You watched over me and made sure nothing bad would happen. My dad abandoned me for 2 years and left me on the streets. When I met you, it felt like I wasn't alone anymore and I had a family to protect and help me. I'm not doing this to hurt you, but protect you. Please don't go looking for me, for your own safety. I was shown my future and if I don't do anything about it, it will cause millions to die. If I separate myself from you, maybe I can save you and Harley. Someone is coming after me, and won't hesitate to kill anyone close to me. I'm scared what they will do to you so I have to leave. If I come back, I promise i won't leave again. But if I don't....never forget me.
Yours truly,

Dear MJ,
I'm sad to do this. Don't contact me again. I can't explain but it's best if we don't speak anymore. You won't see me for I am leaving. Just know, I'm glad you were here for me, and never forgetting me. The months I was gone, you constantly texted. Please don't do that again. I know I sound so stupid being so formal, but I'm serious. Don't try to contact me, and it's best if you forget me. There are things you don't know and it's best if you don't. If you think about hating me for this, please do. It's better if you hate me and forget me. I'll never forget you, but we can't be friends. This is my final goodbye.
Yours truly

Dear Ned,
I'm sad to do this. Don't contact me again. I can't explain but it's best if we don't speak anymore. You won't see me for I am leaving. Just know, I'm glad you were here for me, and never forgetting me. The months I was gone, you constantly texted. Please don't do that again. I know I sound so stupid being so formal, but I'm serious. Don't try to contact me, and it's best if you forget me. There are things you don't know and it's best if you don't. If you think about hating me for this, please do. It's better if you hate me and forget me. I'll never forget you, but we can't be friends. This is my final goodbye.
Yours truly

Dear Peter,
I don't know how to say this, but forget me. I never got to explain what happened that night we got shot at, but I never will. It's absolutely best if you completely forget me. I would tell you, but I realized that I shouldn't. I don't want anything to do with you or anyone ever again. I've known you for 5 days so don't ever think of me again. You weren't special to me and won't ever be. Don't try to contact me again or talk to anyone about me. I don't care if you disagree, this has to be done. You barely know me so it shouldn't be hard to forget me. It would have been nice to get to know you, but that doesn't matter now, does it. I can't risk myself for you, or anyone of the matter. You are in my path and I can't let you get in my way. Don't show this to anyone since I don't want non of you guys to remember me. For god sake, burn this after you finish reading this. I never want to hear from you again and I hope you feel the same.

Dear Dad,
I have to go. Please don't go looking for me. Someone is trying to kill me and they won't hesitate to kill anyone in my life to get to me. Thank you for caring for me and loving me. I wish I didn't have to do this, but I have no choice. If I make it out alive I'll come back...but If I don't...please don't mourn me. I love you and please watch over Tony for me.
Yours truly,

As I walked down the empty road, tears slipped my eyes. I didn't want to leave the life where I was actually happy behind, but if I didn't, they could die.

I was walking when someone covered my mouth and tried to pull me into an alley. I grabbed their neck and twisted it till I heard it snap.

I saw a old man lying on the floor. I rummaged his pockets and saw a wallet and pack of cigarettes. I grabbed them both and kept on walking.

I wanted to just go back...maybe I shouldn't have been to hard on Peter in his letter. Yes his was different from the others, but it was to harsh. He almost knew what was happening. If anyone knew they could be in grave danger and I can't risk that happening to anyone.

I pulled out one of the cigarettes and lit it. I took a drag and immediately had a coughing fit...this is going to be fun.

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