4. High School Musical

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"Where were you? You were online all weekend but you didn't come to school today!"

I smile and ruffle Aphmau's hair, which makes her pout even more.

"It's a long story." I chuckle. The girl with bandages, KC I assume,booed at me.

"Indulge us."

"Cadenza woke up late, I lost track of time , my mom accidentally put her keys in the garbage disposal and my dad walked into the kitchen doorframe and announced we're all going to stay at home today and re-evaluate ourselves."

"Nice." Ein grins , giving me a thumbs up. He then immediately turns to Garroth , who I just noticed was also lying in his bed, and harshly elbows him.

"So,Laurie boy, who's Cadenza?" He addressed me, but was wiggling his eyebrows at Garroth.

"My sister. " I explained, and Garroth punches his arm. "And don't call me Laurie boy."

"Okay, Laurie boy. Tell your boyfriend that if my wounds reopen, he's paying."

"I'm not his boyfriend " Garroth punches him again to punctuate, and I desperately want to add on 'not yet'. He continues," if your wounds reopen, then you'll get what you deserve."

"I deserve love." Ein pushes Garroth over the side. He falls with a crash but pops up almost immediately.

"No one will love you, you disaster bi." KC cackles.

"Hey, I'm a distinguished bi!"

"Thats Laurence." Garroth pipes up.

I blush slightly at that comment and hand Aaron his tray of food.

"Thanks,I guess?"

"No problem, honey."

"Why is he the distinguished bi ?" Ein whines.

"He didn't jump out a window, dipshit."

I blink owlishly at them, taken aback.

"You jumped out a window?"

"Not exactly." Ein grins, ands sits up properly. Aaron sighs and mutters "here we go again", silenced by Aphmau pointedly sitting on his legs.

"It was a gloomy day" he begins in a hushed voice, like a kindergartener starting with the dark and stormy night clique. "My mom just finished her fourth bottle. I walk into the kitchen and she decides I look too much like my abusive asshole of a dad. She pulls out a knife from the drawer and runs at me. She's drunk as fuck and lurching from side to side. I bolt . We live in an apartment where there isn't much place to go, accept the balcony.

The glass sliding door is locked but that doesn't stop me. I go crashing through, and glass gets every where. I fall to the floor, hence the stitches, but she's still coming after me. I leap off the balcony because I'd rather keep my internal organs inside me. Unfortunately, the dumpster isn't where I thought it was and instead of squishy,gross rubbish bags, I get the asphalt. I land weirdly,fuck up my knees and sport scholarship, neighbours call authorities and here I am. A bitch in this bed. Hottest one here."

"Oh, god. Ein... I don't know what to say." I fidget with my hands and he throws a pillow at me.

"Don't be sad,I get to live with my lit grandparents after this."

"Okay,people!" Aphmau claps her hands and cuts through the silence. She stands and Aaron groans in relief, stretching his limbs.

"Why do you all like sitting on me?"

Aphmau ignores him and passes the pillow back to Ein.

"So,Laurence," she rests her elbow on my shoulder which looks uncomfortable because of the height difference. "Anyone who isn't bedridden got permission to go to the mall this weekend, because Aaron is a special boy who wants to see a movie before it's too late. You want in? "

"You guys want me to come? Are you sure?"

She laughs and hugs me which is nice.

"Of course, we're all in this together."

Garroth, who's cupping his chin with both hands smiles. "Was that a HSM reference?"

"Shut up,Garroth."

I make a mistake by asking what HSM is. Garroth launches himself over the bed again and grips my shoulders, shaking me back and forth.

"Do you seriously just ask what HSM is?"

I chuckle nervously.


"High School Musical! Have you ever watched High School Musical?"


He pulls me down to his eye level, and I blush.

"No way."

"Yes way."

"Garroth, you're scaring him." KC protests behind him, but it falls to deaf ears.

"So you don't know the team?" He whispers .

"Uh, what team."

"WILDCATS!" five different people yell at the same time. My fight or flight reflexes kicked in and back pedal, trip over one of the utility carts and fall. My clumsiness is fuel to the fire and they laugh even harder, though I can't blame them. Garroth hauls me back up to my feet, quickly squeezing my hand before releasing it.

"Next time you're here,Laurence, we're tying you to a chair and you're watching all the movies with us."

"Will you let me up for bathroom breaks?"

"No promises."

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