**this poem is in spanish soo... i'll write a translation as well, although it won't be exactly the same and it won't fit very well**
En la batalla que nunca acaba, la luna y el sol
Rivalizan queriendo ofrecer una dosis de brillantez mayor.
La luna flota en un mar de estrellas,
Y estas brillan como ojos de gatos en la oscuridad.
El sol, como la calidez del verano
con sus rayos alumbra el desierto y el resto
Pretendiendo abarcar mucho más que solo el mar.
Pero la luna no se deja aplastar,
Y sigue su camino a través del cielo,
Creando el lago negro que fluye dentro el azul
Porque sabe que su luz guía y promete
Una mejor noche de buenos sueños.
Al final el sol y la luna, circulan siempre persiguiéndose
Para terminar en un eclipse que abre los ojos del universo y más.
In the battle that never stops, the sun and the moon compete,
trying to give the biggest dose of radiance.
The moon floats in a sea of stars,
who shine like eyes of cats in the dark.
The sun, like the heat of summer,
whose rays shine over the desert and the rest
pretending to shine over more than the ocean.
But the moon doesn't let that affect it,
and moves across the sky the same,
making the black lake that flows into the blue,
because it knows its light guides and promises
a better night of dreams.
In the end, the sun and moon circulate forever
chasing each other until they end in an eclipse that opens the eyes of the universe and more.
hi! this was written a year ago, so it isn't that good, but
i was really proud of it at the time, so i decided to write it here.
also, sorry the translation wasn't the best, since quarantine, i haven't been able to
speak as much spanish, so i'm not very good right now.