:Chapter 1:

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I Need You

Chapter 1

I am so pumped! I was standing outside the XL Center in Hartford, CT with my best friend, Ami. Why you ask? Because we have FRONT ROW tickets and VIP backstage passes to Justin Bieber's My World Tour kickoff concert.

"OMG! Ami, we are actually gonna meet Justin Bieber!" I squealed excitedly. She rolled her eyes.

"Calm down, Rayne. He's just a boy," she said. I knew her calmness was all a façade, though. She liked Justin's music and had a HUGE crush on Chaz Somers, who just so happened to be backstage. We linked arms and went to our front row seats.

"I'm so excited, Mimi! We get to watch him do his soundcheck, hang out with him backstage, watch him perform, then hang out with him backstage! Again!" We both giggled excitedly. My dad had pulled some strings and made it so WE WERE THE ONLY FANS ALLOWED BACKSTAGE. If you haven't guessed already, my family is rich. My dad is CEO of Apple. But...Back to Justin Bieber! He walked out onstage and, along with the other fans, Ami and I squealed.

"How you doin' guys?" he said into the mic. "Are you ready?" We all nodded vigorously. Justin's eyes scanned the crowd and mine locked with his. It seemed like there was some sort of...connection when I stared into those big, chocolatey brown eyes. He smiled at me, causing me to smile back. He continued with the soundcheck, his eyes always coming back to me.

"Do any of you know how to dougie?" he asked. Ami and I raised our hands. I looked around but no one else did. "Sweet! Come on up here and let's show 'em how it's done." He pulled us onstage and Teach Me How To Dougie by Cali Swag District played through the speakers. So, after sharing a look, Ami and I started to dance. With one glance at Justin I almost fainted. He made that wheelchair move look damn good. I was completely in sync with Ami while we dougied and Justin looked impressed. The music stopped and he smiled at us.

"That was great, guys! You sure know how to dance." Blushing, I hopped off the stage.

"You're so in love with him," Ami whispered in my ear.

"I'm not gonna deny that," I whispered, laughing. The soundcheck ended and we all stood around talking. Justin's manager, Scooter, came out.

"Are any of you Ami Williams or Rayne Davenport?" he yelled. Ami and I walked up to him.

"That would be us," I said. "I'm Rayne and that's Ami." He led us backstage where Justin, Chaz and Ryan were fooling around. I almost freaked. Almost. I self-consciously straightened my scarf and fixed my black skinny jeans. Making sure my grey converse were tied I looked over at them again, absorbed in their TV. Mimi and I shared another look before making our way over to them.

"Whatcha watching?" I asked casually when we got over to the couch.

"Nitro Circus," Ryan replied.

"Sweet," Ami said. I knew Ami DESPISED Nitro Circus because she thought it was stupid and dangerous. Me, on the other hand, loved it.

"Dude, this show sucks. Can't we change it?" Chaz asked. Ami brightened at finding something in common with him.

"You've got to be kidding me," Justin said. "Man, Nitro Circus is awesome. By the way," he said turning toward me and Ami, "I'm Justin. This is Chaz and Ryan." He got up and gave us both hugs. Aww, I felt like saying. He's the huggy type! Chaz slapped us high fives and Ryan did the fist bump.


"Hello?" I answered, blushing. Damn, I need to turn the volume down. "Yes, I'm fine Dad...No the concert hasn't started...7:30....backstage hanging with Ami, Chaz, Ryan and Justin...yes they're all sweet...Dad! But yeah, really attractive...Okay, love you...Bye." I cannot believe my dad just asked me if Justin Bieber was as attractive as I said he was in person!

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