one- part one

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-Kaylee's POV-

Why does my head hurt so much? Wait, why can't I see anything?

Oh shit. What happened to Mom and Leo? The last thing I remember...

Where the hell am I? Wait- the laughter. I recognize that horrible, gross laughter. It was that group of ugly men at the dining table.

-4 hours ago-

I walked home from the bus stop after my afternoon college class to find 3 really nice cars outside my house. Why are there so many cars outside the house? Mom never said anything about expecting company. I walk through the front door to hear laughing from what sounds like a lot of men. I smell cigars, but Mom never lets anyone smoke in the house. 

I put my bookbag by the door and take off my shoes- wait, where are Leo's shoes? He should've been home from school an hour ago. I walk toward the dining room which is what seems to be the source of all the noise. Before entering, I tried to get a glance of who could possibly be here. I only recognized one of them, one of Dad's old co-workers from the law firm he used to work at. Why would he be here? As far as I recall, Dad said they stopped talking when he quit the firm. It seems as though Mr. Irwin, Dad's old co-worker, and the other men are playing poker. I wonder where Mom is...

I finally walk into the dining room and make myself known. Mr. Irwin is the first to see me. "Hey! Kaylee's finally home. How are you sweetie?" God, I've always hated being called that.

"Um, hi, Mr. Irwin. I'm pretty okay. Do you know where my mom is?" I fidgeted with the bracelet my mom got me for my 18th birthday last year.

"Yes, she's at the store right now picking things up for dinner. Come sit down, these are a couple of my buddies, Mike, Calum, and Andy. One more will be coming later." He pulls the chair out that's next to him, gesturing for me to sit.

The one that I believe is Calum looks at me. I immediately notice a sort of painful, almost regretful look in his eyes like he was a little kid who got in trouble with his mother. "So, how old are you Kaylee?" he asks me.

"I just turned 18 three weeks ago," I reply and smile to myself, remembering the small party my parents and Leo threw me.

"Oh, happy late birthday! Mike, get the birthday girl a Pepsi from the fridge." Calum tells the purple-haired one. I assume Mike isn't much older than me if he still dyes his hair odd colors. He puts down his beer and goes to the fridge to get me a Pepsi.

"Thanks, but it's not a big deal, it's just a birthday," I'm so quiet it came out as almost a whisper.

Calum looks a bit shocked and stands up. "Not a big deal? Kaylee, darling, your 18th birthday is a huge deal! It's your entry into adult life, womanhood-"

Andy cuts him off. "Uh, Cal, I think her entry into womanhood was when she got her period..."

All the men turned and looked at him. "Dude, we don't talk about that sort of stuff, are you crazy? Sir would kill us if he heard-"

Just as Mike was scolding Andy, a really tall man walks through the doorway holding what seems to be grocery bags. "I would kill you if I heard what, now? Calum and Ashton, come help Lindsay with the groceries."

Why is my mom grocery shopping with this dude? He looks about 27 and quite intimidating, yet somehow he's familiar, like I've known him for a long time but haven't seen him in a while.

"Yes, Sir," Calum and Mr. Irwin respond quickly. When they stand up, they weirdly bow to the tall man like he's their master or something.

My mom finally comes into the room with some bags and looks at me, smiling. I know that smile. She's scared. "Hey, honey. Want to help Mr. Irwin and his friends with the bags?"

I look for any sort of answer to the questions flowing through my head in her expression. All I can tell is she's scared, and Mr. Irwin and his "friends" are the cause. Especially the one Calum and Mr. Irwin called "sir".

-Author's Note-

The reason I'm splitting this intro into 2 parts is I feel like I'm dragging this out, and I'd like to stop in a place I feel comfy stopping in, ya know?

This is my first time writing in a loooong time so hopefully whoever reads this won't judge me too harshly lol

Let me know what you think in the comments, don't forget to vote if you like it and I'll be updating soon <3

-Mich xx-

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