one- part two

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-Kaylee's POV-

"Hey, honey. Want to help Mr. Irwin and his friends with the bags?" 

Why the hell is my mom letting these men in our house? Even better, why is she scared of them?

"Sure, mom," I reply, my eyes asking her what's going on silently. I put my shoes on and head outside. Calum and Mr. Irwin are standing at the trunk of my mom's car, loading their arms with more bags than they can lift. "Need some help with those?" I ask the men with a slight grin on my face due to how funny they look.

"Nah, we're men, we got it," Calum says, as he drops a bag of lettuce and tomatoes. Mr. Irwin rolls his eyes.

"Yes, Kaylee, we'd appreciate your help. Cal here thinks just because he's a man, he doesn't need help." I can tell Mr. Irwin is mentally face-palming.

"Yeah, okay, Mr. Feminist." Calum retorts, sticking out his tongue like a 5 year old.

I laugh and take a bag from each of them and the last bag from the trunk. We bring the groceries inside and set them down on the island in the kitchen. My mom and Andy are already putting food away in the cabinets. 

The one referred to as "sir" is pacing the dining room, fidgeting with a large, silver ring on his middle finger, like he was nervous or anxious about something. I noticed when he first came into the dining room, he held his gaze on me a bit longer than I was comfortable with. I wonder what his name is...

"You guys got this, or do you need help?" I ask my mom and Andy. 

Andy smiles, "No, we're good here. Thanks."

I walk out of the kitchen and into the dining room to where the man is pacing, seemingly so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't even hear me come in.

"What do you and the rest of your friends want? I haven't heard from Mr. Irwin since my dad left the old firm, and neither of my parents said anything about expecting company today, so you must've been a surprise or something." He jumped when I started speaking. I guess I startled the poor man.

He looks at me and a small grin creeped up on his face. "You can call Mr. Irwin, Ashton, you know. And as to why we're here... well, we'll discuss that as a group over dinner. You are a very smart girl, as far as I can tell, Kaylee. I'm sure you understand that actions have consequences, and when somebody makes a bad decision, there are some things that have to be done to teach them, and others, what not to do." His crystal blue eyes pierce my body as he looks me up and down.

"I'm confused, what does that have anything to do with why you're here?" I ask the blonde-haired giant.

Just as he was about to respond, Calum, Mr. Irwin- or Ashton, Mike, Andy and my mom file into the dining room, each of them holding chopped-up produce or other food. I assume it's taco night. Somehow I didn't notice somebody cleaned the table of the men's poker game while I helped Calum and Ashton with the groceries. They all put their bowls of food on the table and sit in their chairs. My mom sat at one end, mystery man sat at the other. I chose a seat near my mom and Ashton chose the seat next to me. Mike, Andy and Calum all sat on the other side of the table.

"Go ahead, make your tacos. There's more Pepsi and drinks in the fridge," Mom reminds. 

As everyone starts making their plates, I just sit and stare at "Sir". I have no idea what to call him, so I guess I'll go with that until I learn his name. We make eye contact and a grin appears above his scruffy, short beard. 

"What do you want with us?" I finally ask. My mom looks at me, shocked, but doesn't say anything- probably out of fear.

Sir clears his throat and takes a swig of the beer next to him. "Do you want the short version or the story?"

"I want to know everything. Why are you here? Who are you? Hell, what's your fucking name?" I started to raise my voice, finally releasing all the worry, and even slight anger out. I have no idea where my brother is and my dad's on a rushed business trip for a few days, so he can't even be here to help explain who these people are.

As soon as I asked that last question, Sir looked pissed. "If you want to see Leo again, you won't speak to me like that ever again, got it?" His voice was surprisingly calm. 

I nodded, but didn't make a sound.

"As for why we're here. Your father owed us money- a lot of money. He couldn't pay it before our deadline. After the initial fight, he left the firm and changed his number, even moved houses. That's why he was in such a rush to move. He wasn't smart enough to just kill himself right then and there. See, when somebody owes me money, they have 2 ways of getting out of it- paying, or something a bit more extreme. Your father took the ladder, and we still need payment. You, Kaylee, are his final payment."

I don't think my dad's on a business trip...

"What do you mean 'final payment'?" My hands started to shake, my breath getting heavier.

"You now have 2 choices: come with us and live out your life serving me, or we take the hard way." 

I didn't dare to ask what the hard way is. I can't risk Leo's life to these thugs. 

"Fine. I'll come with you- on one condition. My mom and Leo remain unhurt. I'm not entirely sure what happened to my dad, but I don't want anything happening to the rest of my family." I tried to sound confident. I failed.

"Kaylee, Leo's already dead. He was how we got your mom to comply." Sir almost laughed.

I looked at my mom, tears instantly forming in my eyes. She was already crying. Her dark brown hair fell into her full plate while she sobbed for my little brother. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?" My blood was boiling. "He was seven years old. This shitfest is my father's fault, not a little boy's. If you think I'm going with you now, you're dead wrong." I stand up. I'm too angry to cry at this point. My father hid all this from us, putting us in danger. He knew what would happen to Leo. He knew what's going to happen to me. God, what's going to happen to my mom?

"If you won't come with us nicely, I guess we'll have to do it the hard way." Sir's face hardens. "Ashton, Mike, you know what to do."

Before I could register it, Mike was behind me and putting a cloth over my face. It smells weird, I thought. I can't breathe. I tried to get Mike's hands off of me but Ashton wouldn't let me. He practically watched me grow up, how could he help these men do this to my family?

The last thing I saw was Andy holding my mom down, Calum pulling something out of his pocket, and then a loud bang. I screamed, and blacked out.

-Author's Note-

This was a bit dramatic, even for me (I kiiinda love drama) but ya know, a mafia killing your brother and mom and taking you for whatever reason is lowkey worth the drama...

Anywaysss let me know what you think in the comments :)

-mich <3-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2020 ⏰

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