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The board paused briefly right at KEKI and OKE's entrance to the hall.

NEMU and NAIFU see her with curiosity and some concern. If that person was affected by what happened a while ago.

How harmful is it really to your mother's pre-arranged plan?

KIRO looks at her in a strange way, in her irada there is a little nostalgia and, it is curious, since they had never been seen before.

INKU, ESU and WAPURO look at it wisely.

It's TOIRE who looks at her with worry and some guilt.

New arrivals take a seat next to INKU.

KIRO takes the floor, informs them that the kingdom has been besieged for almost 7 years... and year after year they have been able to see that the castle is a safe place (addressing its people), thanks to its friendly citizens who, have been in charge of fulfilling the necessary tasks to live in a more or less profitable way, so that the time has come to leave them, (the bustle is made in the great hall, this has caused shock in the citizens , since their king will abandon them) they (the citizens) will stay inside the castle, (the king softens his voice and speaks enthusiastically to them) the earth has blessed them with his fruits and great friends (turn to see the team).

TOIRE looks a lot at KEKI who, decided to sit away from him, since meeting INKU, always felt calm with him.

The king announces that the time has come to fulfill his queen's last will.

People know this and are weighing out the fact that their king, his princesses, are going to a fight from which, they are almost certainly going to lose their lives.

All the inhabitants leave their seats and form in a few rows, each facing KIRO, NAIFU and NEMU. Your people hug KIRO and his daughters, it's goodbye.

KIRO lets the team know that they had already prepared what was necessary, so it's time to go.

Everyone goes back to their rooms to go get their belongings.

Already inside the room.

TOIRE looks for the scrolls and the book to keep them, nor does he see that KEKI has put on the sword, TOIRE, doubts it a little, but approaches KEKI, speaks to him in a low voice, for the treasures of CHOSEN.

KEKI, something sad, in his voice, although in his face he only looks serious, lets him know that, the treasures of CHOSEN, are no longer in this world.

KEKI forms a staff on the floor of the room, it was made with low intensity light threads, at the end of the seal.

She inserts her hand into the staff and when she pulls it out, she has wielded a sword, this sword looks different from anyone you've seen, both her grip and her holster are an absolute black, the holster is braided leather.

They marvel at the details of the sword.

But, another question has arisen, why this new sword now, if the one before never used it at all?

There's so much silence in the room that everyone could hear.

KEKI sees it with the face you already know... there are questions in their factions.

KEKI tells her that now that she has lost the treasures, this sword will be of great help, besides, there is no more to worry about, she apologizes because, all this time he took care of them.

OKE, ask if KEKI knows where they are?

Won't they need them later?

KEKI finishing dressing, he says no.

Actually, she doesn't know the whereabouts of CHOSEN's treasures.

But, you have a feeling that, if you were to need them, they will appear, after all, it is a CHOSEN, though... no longer worthy of carrying them.

This last sentence left more questions than answers, at least for others... WAPURO stays serious, she does know what's behind those words.

At the end, the team meets the king and his daughters on the bridge, organize, young women will control the bridge so that the soldiers are free, after a slight creaking of the wood, begin to lower the bridge, the soldiers are ready to defend the entrance, the young are at the top of the wall with their bows ready , the lookout announces that there is no apparent movement, when reaching half height, the whole team (including KIRO and his daughters, in addition to UISUKII) run towards the end of the bridge and jump, quickly, the bridge is lifted.

Almost instantly from the noise of when the bridge was sealed, there are noises of growls and scratches, on various sides and from the darkness, armed mercenaries and some mounted on beasts with which they climb debris and growl at the team.

Everyone, they're alert, the plan is simple, smash everything in their path and get out of the citadel to the cliff and throw themselves overboard, swim to the shore of the beach and get off the enemy's radar.

It is a somewhat far-fetched idea of KING KIRO, but he is so confident that no one dares object, moreover, he knows the terrain well.

OKE is more than ready.

They all run out of kiro's terrain, staying together as they destroy everyone in their path.

Soon, they have managed to leave the kingdom of KIRO, follow their career towards a cliff as new troops residing on the outskirts pursue them and the group is numerous, throw themselves down a cliff, into the sea to prevent them from being followed.

The team throws themselves relying on the depths of the rock, a place known to KIRO, on the sima, on the shore of the beach, the group is coming out of the water, they were swimming to get away from the cliff, tired, they drop into the sand.

KIRO says in laughter that he didn't remember that swimming was so tired.

They hear nearby noises as if they were troll treads and get up fast, the group runs into nearby trees, gets into the grasses, it's almost a jungle, they walk cautiously, feeling that there are noises of creaking trees, getting closer, they realize they're not alone, they run like devils, without expecting to look at what haunts them , the important thing is to get off the enemy's radar, run like this until, on the other side of a bush there is a ravine that, they could not because of the speed at which they ran.

They fall one after the other.

Rolling on the steep floor of the barndo.

They fell hard enough between the earth and tree roots to stand still lost in a dream and/or unconscious.

To the floor of the ravine.

end of chapter 34

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