Episode 2: Now She Has to Pay

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Jeff Probst: Previously on... Survivor. Eighteen strangers were brought together at Mykonos Island, here in Greece. A new twist was introduced, as eliminated contestants could cast a final "Revenge Vote" to see if they will get the last laugh. On Ftelia, a showmance formed, while others disapproved. In addition, Julia found an advantage, and shared her power with new ally Sarah. On Ornos, Michelle passed out, with the support of her tribemates. Matt and Zach, knowing they were on the outs, found an idol. At Tribal Council, James was torn between sticking with his previous alliance, or to join Matt and Zach. In the end, Grace was spared despite James' flip. Matt became the first person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos, and was sent to Revenge Island to cast his Revenge Vote. 17 are left, who will be voted out tonight?

Ornos: Night 3

[Scene: The remaining eight tribe members head back to camp with their torches, and set them aside]

Kirk: Congrats on surviving the first Tribal, guys! [Awkward silence] Uh... bad timing?

Grace: [CONF: Tribal Council was... a nightmare. But by some miracle, I'm still here. I received three votes tonight. Zach and Matt were a given, but that third vote... I'm thinking James got under their influence. I don't think I'll be able to trust him. I believe I'm in a strong six, so as long as no one finds another idol... I should be fine. For now.]

Melinda: Hey, Grace. We should talk.

Grace: *approaches* What is it?

Melinda: James. That f**ker flipped on us.

Grace: I know. What the hell was he thinking? I think I should probably go talk to him.

Melinda: You won't like what he has to say.

Grace: If he lies to me, I'll know to never trust him ever again. If he comes clean, maybe I'll try to sweep it under the rug. If anything, I blame Zach and Matt for this. He's just... a little gullible. *leaves*

[Scene: Near the shelter, away from everyone else]

Grace: *approaches James* Hi.

James: Grace... hey.
Grace: I just need you to answer a question. Just... please be honest with me. Promise I won't be mad.

James: [CONF: I voted Grace last night. Do I regret it? Maybe. Right now she's interrogating me, and of course I'm panicking. She thinks I flipped. I have to deflect and try to put the blame on someone else.] Okay, what is it?

Grace: Were you told to vote me out tonight?

James: Yes, I was. But... I didn't vote you out. You need to know something else.

Grace: ...What?

James: Zach and Matt proposed an alliance with me, yes. However, they were trying to get Amy and Kirk on board too, so they'd have a majority. Kirk and I talked to each other and didn't want to cause any waves so early. Amy, however...

Grace: Wait. *laughs* Amy? You can't be serious...

James: Look, I'm already under so much hot fire right now. Why would I be lying to you? That'd be preeeeetty dumb of me.

Grace: Alright, cool. Just don't... ever do that s**t to me again.

James: Promise. Besides, I think Matt cast his Revenge Vote for me anyways.

Grace: *laughs* [CONF: James is telling me that Amy was the third vote against me. I mean... do I believe it? I have no idea. I'll have to talk to Amy in the morning, because I am exhausted. I don't think I'll even get much sleep anyways, since my mind is still going nuts.]

[Scene: In the woods.]

Zach: *searching through trees and rocks* [CONF: My #1 ally just got voted out. I misplayed an idol. Grace is still here. Could my night get any worse? While everyone's trying to sleep, I'm trying to look for a new idol. Unfortunately, it's super dark outside, so it's quite difficult right now. I'll try to make sure I do it again, first thing in the morning.]

Ornos: Day 4

Zach: *gradually gets up from the shelter, trying not to wake anyone up* [CONF: The sun's just rising, so while everyone's asleep, I make a mad dash for the woods. It should be easier for me to look for an idol now. *laughs*] *has a montage of going through several trees and rocks* [However, I am interrupted... by none other than--]

Amy: Hey. *smiles*

Zach: Amy... I--

Amy: Yeah, yeah. I've caught you idol hunting. I didn't expect anything less.

Zach: I swear, I haven't found anything.

Amy: ...Why are you telling me this?

Zach: My #1 ally just got voted out and I basically have no one to talk to... and since you were here, I figured I had nothing to lose.

Amy: [slightly sarcastically] You know we're just gonna vote your ass out if we go to Tribal again, right?

Zach: *laughs* Not if I find the idol first.

Amy: *laughs back* I don't think so. [CONF: I woke up early this morning and noticed Zach was missing. Of course, I catch him in the act. He's looking for the idol. But c'mon... it's almost pathetic at this point. He's a lone wolf. I'm not someone who just goes along for the ride. So... if I have to, I would consider working with Zach in the future. But we'll see.] Let's just head back to camp.

[Scene: Grace, Melinda, and Edwin are near the shelter. Zach and Amy are walking back together]

Grace: No freaking way...

Melinda: What?

Edwin: *sits up in the shelter*

Grace: Melinda... Edwin... you guys better not call me crazy. But... James might've told me the truth last night.

Edwin: Uhh... what?

Grace: It's Amy. The third vote. You see how they're talking and laughing together? I'm not liking this.

Melinda: Grace, it's probably nothing. I can't let you get all paranoid. Have you even talked to her yet?

Grace: I was going to, but she was gone when I woke up. I just don't understand why...

Melinda: Maybe if you just... I don't know, talk to her? If I had to guess, Zach was probably looking for another idol. Considering that he knows he's on the outs, it just makes the most sense. [CONF: Grace has been a great ally so far, but that poor girl worries me. James is the one we should be focusing on, not Amy. On top of that, I have to worry about whether or not Zach found an idol. Thankfully, I am used to being in a stressful environment, so I will get through this.]

Ftelia: Day 4

[Scene: Tribe members are doing the warrior pose together on the beach.]

Sarah: [CONF: Camp life... has been pretty good actually! Winning the first immunity challenge was definitely a huge boost in everyone's attitudes. I've been starting morning yoga sessions on the beach to keep this up, and I think it's working quite well.] Great work everyone!

Audrey: *leaves in an antsy manner* [whispers and looks to Jonathan] Let's go.

Mario: Where are y'all going?

Jonathan: *leaving with Audrey* Audrey and I are, uh... going to the woods to get some water from the well.

Mario: ...Mind if I come along?

Jonathan: Uh, suuure.... [CONF: Damn it, Mario. He's onto Audrey and I, I just know it. All because he thinks we're going to become some big power couple, which we're not. Now he's going to ensure that we don't find this idol. I just pray he doesn't find it before we do, because I really want to see him leave.]

Audrey: Meet you guys there! *runs to the woods*

Jonathan: *runs towards Audrey* Wait up!

Mario: [to himself] I better hurry... *heads for the woods*

Dwight: *rolls eyes* Might as well. *follows Mario*

Rafael: What is going on here?
Julia: Idols. *laughs*

Olivia: They won't find it there...

Rafael: [CONF: So, right after our yoga session... all of a sudden Audrey's heading towards the woods. Then Jonathan, then Mario, then Dwight... it's like-- my God, people. How are they going to find something without any clues anyways? That's just... near impossible, at least for someone like me.]

Camille: I'm going to keep an eye out on them. This is just nuts. *heads to the woods*

Julia: Hey, are the rest of you guys gonna come join us?

Sarah: *laughs* Sure, why not.

Olivia: Oh, I think I'm alright. Have fun up there.

Julia: Rafael? You?

Rafael: *shakes head* Go on.

Julia: Alright, suit yourself. C'mon, let's go. *jogs to the woods with Sarah*

[Scene: In the woods.]

Audrey: *sees everyone coming* Damn it.

Jonathan: Ignore them. Come on, we better hurry.

Audrey: [CONF: *puts hands on her head in frustration* This... is awful. I feel so much pressure to find this idol right now, because everyone and their mother out here is trying to find it. It's just chaos.] We should split up and cover more ground.

[Scene: Mario, Dwight, Sarah, and Julia together.]

Mario: Any luck?

Dwight: *looks through countless tree holes* Nope.

Julia: This would be a whole lot easier if we had a clue. We could be heading in the wrong direction.

Mario: Nonsense. Most idols have been found in the woods, so we're just not looking hard enough.

Sarah: *flips over rock*

Dwight: *rustles leaves*

Camille: *approaches group* Hey guys.

Mario: Camille... hey. [CONF: We're trying to find this idol... and along comes Camille. Ever since we first got here, I have been getting bad vibes from her. If I find this idol, I really need to make sure she doesn't know about it. I just know she'll use that information against me.]

Camille: So, have you guys had any luck so far?

Dwight: No. I don't know how these people do it.

Camille: Well, we should try to work together. If I find the idol, I promise that I will let you guys know. [CONF: So, as I'm making my way through the woods, I run into Julia, Sarah, Dwight and.... Mario. I really don't trust Mario, but I have to ensure he trusts me. Even if that means telling him I'll use an idol on him... as much as it kills me. *rolls eyes*]

Sarah: Alright, let's keep going.

[The group continues walking through the woods together, trying to find an idol]

[Scene: Shelter, where Olivia and Rafael are alone.]

Rafael: How long do you think they've been out there?

Olivia: At least an hour. I sense that they are feeling frustrated.

Rafael: *laughs* Glad we're here instead. That's just too much for my brain.

Olivia: Wait a minute. *looks over at Rafael* Just because we're here... doesn't mean we can't find the idol ourselves.

Rafael: What does that mean?

Olivia: I mean... the idol may not even be in the woods. *reaches below the shelter* Oh my God.

Rafael: *eyes widen* What?

Olivia: I feel something! Rafael, oh my God!! *quickly gets out of the shelter*

Rafael: *gets up from the shelter and sees that a package is tied to the bottom of the shelter* No way! Olivia, you're amazing!

Olivia: *unties package from shelter, and opens it, revealing an idol and note* [quickly, with excitement] "Congratulations, have found the Hidden Immunity Idol! When played, all votes cast against you will not count." Oh this is wonderful! *hugs Rafael* [CONF: I... am elated. Rafael and I were able to find the idol, and we didn't even have to go anywhere! I wonder how much longer everyone else is going to realize there's nothing hidden in the woods, considering I have the idol right here. *holds up idol and laughs*]

Ornos: Day 5

[Scene: Grace and Melinda in the shelter.]

Grace: Okay, fine. I'll go talk to her now.

Melinda: Alright. But if she isn't guilty, just remember I told you so.

Grace: *gets up and leaves shelter* [CONF: So, I've decided that I'm going to clear the air about all this... mess going on. Once and for all, I'm going to figure out if the third vote against me was either Amy or James. I just can't deal with this any longer.]

[Scene: Near the tide]

Amy: *notices Grace* Oh, hey. What's up, Grace?

Grace: I, uh-- need to talk to you.

Amy: About what?

Grace: Tribal... last night. I got three votes last night. Zach, Matt, and someone else that I just can't seem to figure out.

Amy: Well, who do you think it is?

Grace: *laughs* Funny story. I talked to James right after Tribal, and he threw your name under the bus.

Amy: *laughs* You can't be serious. Oh my God... you don't believe him, do you?

Grace: I just wanted to make sure who's telling the truth. That's all.

Amy: Grace... I would never do that to you. That's just ridiculous. Flipping on an alliance on Day 3? I'd be pretty stupid to make that move. [CONF: What the hell, James? If I trusted him earlier, I certainly don't now. You don't throw my name under the bus and get away with it.] *gets up* I will be right back.

Grace: Where are you going?

Amy: To confront him. He's not coming out of this clean.

[Scene: On the other side of camp.]

James: *spots Amy* [to himself, under his breath] Oh God.

Amy: *approaches James* Hey there. You don't happen to know about throwing my name out after Tribal, do you?

Grace: *approaches* Woah, woah, woah. Let's not do all this.

James: Grace... what the hell? You told her?

Grace: Well, this has been driving me nuts for the past two days, so I needed some clarity. Is that too much to ask?

James: Oh my God, Grace it wasn't me! I told you this!

Amy: You're such a f**king liar. Grace, I am not stupid.

Edwin: *approaches* What's going on here?

Amy: Edwin! You can back me up here, right?

Edwin: Yeah, it's just that I need to know why you were talking and laughing with Zach all yesterday.

Amy: Uh... you do realize I was catching him trying to find an idol, right? You know, the thing that just got rehidden?

Edwin: Grace's words, not mine.

Grace: *eyes widen*

Amy: Oh my God... Grace, you don't believe me, do you? You know what? I'm done. Over it. *leaves*

Grace: Amy, wait! What the hell was that, Edwin?

Edwin: *shrugs* You saw what happened there. Amy can't be trusted any further. It's still me, you, Melinda, Michelle, Kirk, and James. That's six. We'll be okay. [CONF: So, I think after that... I think Grace should have her answer. Amy was just so defensive, which is pretty suspicious. She went against the alliance, and now she has to pay.]

[Scene: Michelle and Kirk near the shelter.]

Edwin: *approaches group* Oh my God, you won't believe what just happened.

Michelle: *looks from a distance* Oh, jeez. What was it?

Kirk: Whatever it was, I'm really glad I wasn't a part of it. *chops coconut*

Edwin: Well, you know how Grace said someone flipped on her? She thought it was James, right? But Amy showed her cards. She can't be trusted.

Michelle: Shouldn't we give her the benefit of the doubt? I mean... we can't exactly prove it one way or another, but still.

Edwin: Yesterday, she was all over Zach. She said she was just "making sure he wasn't trying to find an idol". Like come on, you were looking for the idol with him and you know it.

Michelle: This is just crazy. What are we going to do?

Edwin: Well, I say we keep an eye out for Amy for sure. But my first priority is winning immunity. I don't want to go through Tribal Council again, at least not for a while.

Michelle: Agreed. I just don't know why Amy would do something like this...

Kirk: [CONF: Edwin is telling me all this information about how Amy can't be trusted and I'm just like... uh, what? James is getting into people's heads way too easily, and I'm not going to fall for it. Even Michelle seems to be a little skeptical. Everyone is losing their mind out here, and it's only Day 5.]

Edwin: *leaves*

Michelle: *to Kirk* So, uh... what are you thinking?

Kirk: *chops coconut and sighs* This is all James' fault. I'm pretty positive he was the one who actually flipped from our alliance. We can't believe everything we hear.
Michelle: Agreed. I trust you, Edwin, and Melinda the most. Everyone else here is a little too paranoid for my liking.

Zach: *eavesdropping from a short distance* [CONF: This is... great! *laughs* James causing mass chaos and paranoia around camp is really helping remove the target from my back. Nobody's thinking about voting Zach out anymore. So, thanks for helping me out James! Even if you didn't mean to.]

Ftelia: Day 5

[Scene: Olivia and Rafael in the shelter]

Rafael: So... what are we going to do? Are we going to show the idol to anyone?

Olivia: I don't know. I might have to do some palm readings on everyone at camp. It should help me.

Rafael: Olivia, you can't be serious. *laughs*

Olivia: No, seriously. I literally have precognition... which means I can see into the future. Remember the first day we got here? You are my number-one ally because I sensed that if we were to align, we'd be unstoppable.

Rafael: You better be right about that. So... if we were to go to Tribal Council right now, who would you like to see go?

Olivia: If possible, I'd love to see Jonathan go. Too bad people are too stubborn to do it.

Rafael: Like who?

Olivia: *sighs* Mario. He's pretty dead set on Audrey. Something about cutting off the head of the snake.

Rafael: You know what? Maybe you should do a palm reading on everyone. Don't present it as something strategic... but as a tribe bonding activity. Everyone's still feeling high after our win.

Olivia: You really think so? *smiles* Oh, this is going to be great! [CONF: Rafael... suggests I do a palm reading on everyone in our tribe. Those who I sense a good future with, I can trust. If I get a bad read on someone, I'll have to stay wary. But how the hell am I going to convince these people you can't trust someone after giving them a palm reading? Not everyone is so open-minded, unfortunately.]

[Scene: Near the shelter.]

Olivia: Alright, I know you guys don't believe I'm a legitimate psychic, but I thought this would be fun to do a little palm reading on you guys.

Jonathan: *rolls eyes* [CONF: Olivia decides it would be a great idea if our tribe got together and received our own palm reading... to look into our futures, or so she says. I'm not one who really believes in that kind of stuff. But everyone else on our tribe is doing it, so it's kind of hard for me to decline.]

Olivia: Who wants to go first?

Sarah: I guess I will. So... you don't need a crystal ball in order to do all this?

Olivia: *laughs* No, no. Just give me your hand.

Sarah: *brings hands out*

Olivia: First of all, it looks like you have some Earth hands.

Sarah: What does that mean?

Olivia: Well, you're very down to... earth. *chuckles* Practical, sensible. Alright, so... *grabs hands and closes eyes* I see... *smiles* a bright future for you. Family-oriented. I'm sensing... your younger brother, father, mother, who you both love dearly. Incredibly healthy life... *opens eyes* How about that?

Sarah: *smiles* Pretty great. [CONF: So, I got my first ever palm reading today. Um, it was definitely an interesting experience. She mentioned some things in my life I don't think a fake psychic would've told me. I think I'll be able to trust her in this game, which is great.]

[Scene: Julia and Sarah relaxing in the ocean.]

Julia: So, how was that?

Sarah: I mean, admittedly it was a little weird at first, but she was very detailed.

Julia: Yeah, almost a little too detailed.

Sarah: Oh, Julia...

Julia: *choking up* After today, I won't be skeptical about her anymore. [CONF: So, during today's palm reading, Olivia told me I suffered a deep loss in my life, which is why I strive to help others. I didn't even mention to anyone I was a therapist out here. My... uh, mother passed away when I was only seven years old. But... her strength made me the woman I am today. Te amo, madre. *smiles, and wipes a tear from her face*]

Sarah: Come here. *hugs Julia*

Julia: Thank you for allowing me to open up with you.

Sarah: Any time, girl.

[Scene: In the woods.]

Audrey: So, what'd you think about that?

Jonathan: Eh, I'm still not fully convinced.

Audrey: Oh, come on. Not even after she read Julia?

Jonathan: Okay, but haven't we all lost someone dear in our lives? It seemed pretty vague to me.

Audrey: I mean, if that's what you think. [CONF: I think Olivia's palm reading definitely persuaded the majority of our tribe to believe she's the real deal. Jonathan, however, is just so close-minded. I'm not a psychic of course, but I am sensing he can be pretty... stubborn.]

Camille: *joins* Hey guys. Looking for the idol again?

Audrey: Ugh, no. I gave up on that.

Camille: Yeah, bad luck over here too. Do you think someone found it already?

Audrey: Probably. I just hope it doesn't get used against me any time soon.

Camille: Well, I've had this gut feeling that Mario or Dwight must've found it. You remember yesterday, with that chaotic idol hunt? Well, I was with them, but the next thing I know, they're gone. I say if we go to Tribal tomorrow, I think the safest thing to do is split the vote between them. [CONF: Ever Mario set foot to this beach, he's got me really worried. And now I'm thinking he or Dwight have the idol. I just know that if he's given the opportunity, he'll strike back on me.] We can do four on Mario -- me, you, Jonathan... and I think I could get Sarah on board too. The other three -- Julia, Rafael, and Olivia -- would vote Dwight in case an idol gets played. Besides, I've heard Mario wants you two separated.

Audrey: Seriously? That's news to me. [CONF: Camille proposes an idea in order to get Mario out. After just learning he wants Jonathan and I out anyways, there won't be any hard feelings. Let's just pray he doesn't have the idol... but Dwight going isn't so bad, either.]

Camille: And... while I'm here, I think we should form a final three alliance. I have a good feeling about you guys.

Jonathan: Yeah, that'd be great.

Audrey: *nods* Agreed.

Camille: Sweet! [CONF: So, I've officially formed my first alliance with Audrey and Jonathan. I'm really glad Audrey has changed her mind about wanting to target Olivia. It just makes things a lot easier. I felt really good about Sarah and Julia too. Now all I need to do is to make sure Olivia and Rafael are on board, and we'll be able to split the votes so that I can finally say sayonara to Mario.]

Immunity Challenge: Day 6

Jeff Probst: Come on in, guys!

[Both tribes walk into the challenge, walking onto their respective tribe mats.]

Jeff Probst: Getting your first look at the new Ornos tribe. Matt... voted out at the last Tribal Council.

Grace: *smiles*

Jeff Probst: Are you guys ready for your next immunity challenge?

[Everyone yells "yes".]

Jeff Probst: But first... Jonathan, I'll have to take back the Immunity Idol.

Jonathan: *hesitantly gives Immunity Idol back to Jeff* We'll win it back.

Jeff Probst: *sets idol down* Once again, immunity is back up for grabs. For today's challenge, two members of each tribe will race to retrieve a ring. Once you have the ring, bring it back to your tribe's flagpole. The first tribe to earn three points win immunity, as well as a spice kit. Losers: Tribal Council, where someone will become the second person voted out of this game, and will be sent to Revenge Island to cast their Revenge Vote. Ftelia, you have one extra member. Who are you sitting out?
Olivia: *raises hand* I will, Jeff.

Jeff Probst: Alright, take a spot on the sit out bench. Everyone else, we'll get started.

Round 1 -- Jonathan/Rafael vs. James/Zach -- Jonathan scores for Ftelia, 1-0.
Round 2 -- Camille/Julia vs. Amy/Grace -- Amy scores for Ornos, 1-1.
Round 3 -- Dwight/Mario vs. Edwin/Kirk -- Kirk scores for Ornos, 2-1.
Round 4 -- Audrey/Sarah vs. Melinda/Michelle -- Melinda scores for Ornos, 3-1.]

Jeff Probst: Ornos! Congratulations on immunity today. *brings immunity to Melinda* No one going home tonight.

Melinda: *smiling* Thank you.

Jeff Probst: You have also won a spice kit. You can grab it on your way out. Enjoy your night off.

Audrey: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: Ftelia, Tribal Council tonight, where someone is going to be the second person voted out of this game. I'll see you tonight.

Audrey: [CONF: So, sadly, we lost today. I'm definitely worried it could be me tonight, but I'm really hoping it's not. I'm praying that Camille's plan works out, and that I'll still be here on Day 7.]

Ftelia: Day 6

[Scene: The tribe walking back from the challenge.]

Camille: [CONF: We lost the immunity challenge today. I mean, it sucks, but I have a plan in place. I am praying that my tribemates listen to me and that we get Mario out. I just can't deal with it any longer.]

[Scene: Camille, Audrey, and Jonathan in the shelter.]

Camille: So, just remember who you're voting for.

Audrey: Yeah, Mario. Do you want me to talk to Sarah?

Camille: Sure. I was going to talk to her, but go ahead.

Audrey: *gets up and leaves*

Camille: You still good?

Jonathan: *nods* Yeah. [CONF: I'd much rather the vote be on Olivia tonight, but I don't know if I can change Camille and Audrey's mind. Maybe we can get her next time.]

[Scene: By the beach.]

Audrey: *walks up to Sarah* Hey.

Sarah: Hey, Audrey. What are you thinking?

Audrey: Alright, plans have changed. We need to get Mario out tonight, since I'm thinking he has an idol. We should have the votes. Me, you, Camille, and Jonathan. We're thinking of splitting the votes in case an idol gets played -- so Julia, Olivia, and Rafael will vote for Dwight. How does that sound?

Sarah: *nodding in agreement* I mean, yeah. That sounds great! I'll make sure Julia knows. Is everyone else on board?

Audrey: As far as I know.

Sarah: Good, good. [CONF: Audrey is proposing this plan to take out Mario, which is great! I don't trust him at all, so this is all just music to my ears.]

[Scene: Near the shelter.]

Mario: *looks from a distance* I'm not liking this, Dwight.

Dwight: What's going on?

Mario: I've noticed that Audrey, Jonathan, and Camille are hanging out with each other a lot more frequently.

Dwight: Oh, no. Not this again.

Mario: Well, don't you remember when we all went idol hunting? Camille was acting like she was in some sort of unspoken alliance with us. Now she's suddenly working with the other side? [CONF: I have been trying to get Audrey out since Day 1. However, Survivor shifts in quick fashion. Camille is trying to play both sides, and I won't allow it. I just need to make sure Julia, Sarah, Rafael, and Olivia are on board with this.] *gets up*

[Scene: By the shelter.]

Olivia: Hi, Mario.

Rafael: *focuses his attention on Mario*

Mario: Hey. Alright, so... I'm proposing an idea. Me, you two, Dwight, Julia, and Sarah vote together to get out... Camille.

Olivia: Camille...? What?

Mario: She is dangerous, and trying to play both sides. She's been hanging out with Audrey and Jonathan for the past couple days, and I know how much you wanna see Jonathan leave. However, it's a smarter move to eliminate someone who is unpredictable. I hope you consider it. *leaves*

Olivia: [CONF: Damn it, Mario! I say Jonathan, he says he wants Audrey. Now he wants Camille? It's like he's purposely trying not to listen to me. However, he does bring up a good point. While I was doing my reading on Camille today, I was receiving... negative energy. I had no idea why, until now. I still don't fully trust Mario, but if the energy I received is correct... I might need to consider.]

Rafael: So, Camille...

Olivia: *sighs* I know. I feel like I'm making a deal with the devil here. Maybe I should go talk to Camille about what she's doing tonight. I need to get a good read on here.

Camille: *approaches Rafael and Olivia* Hey there.

Olivia: [under her breath] Speak of the devil. [more clearly] Hey, Camille!

Camille: Alright, I'm here to fill you guys in on something. Myself, Audrey, Jonathan, and Sarah are voting for Mario. I need you guys to vote for Dwight, in the case an idol gets played. What do you say?

Olivia: *nods* Yeah, that sounds good. Rafael?

Rafael: *nods as well* I'll make sure to write Dwight's name tonight.

Camille: Sweet. We should be golden. *leaves*

Rafael: *looks over at Olivia* Well?

Olivia: Clearly, Mario doesn't have the idol. I wonder where she came up with that conclusion.

Rafael: I don't know. I'm having a tough time trying to decide who to vote for tonight.

Olivia: Agreed. I don't fully trust Mario, but Camille is unpredictable...

Rafael: We'll have the rest of the day to think about it at least.

[Scene: By the beach.]

Sarah: *walking with Julia* Okay, so Audrey just told me that there's a plan in place to get Mario out. Her, Camille, Jonathan, and I are voting Mario. That leaves you, Olivia, and Rafael to vote out Dwight. Mario plays his idol, and Dwight goes home. If not, Mario goes home. How does that sound?

Julia: Yeah, that's perfectly fine with me. Should be an easy vote then.

Sarah: *laughs* Don't ever say that.

Mario: *slowly approaches Sarah and Julia* Hey girls. We need to get Camille out... tonight.

Sarah: *confused* Why?

Mario: She's playing both sides. I'm not liking it. I can't expect to trust someone who was all goody-goody with us while hunting for the idol, and then goes behind our backs by trying to get in Audrey and Jonathan. Just... please, I'm loyal to you two 100%.

Julia: [CONF: And... now I'm torn. On one hand, I have the option of voting out Mario. He could have the idol, and since it's not in my possession, I have no control over how it's going to be played. If he trusts me, wouldn't he tell me he has the idol? Then I have the option of voting out Camille. I have no idea where her loyalties lie, which worries me. I'm in a very powerful position tonight. I'll have to make the right decision if I want to advance in this game.]

Sarah: This is nuts.

Julia: I know. I keep changing my mind on who I'm going to vote for.

[Scene: Near the shelter.]

Audrey: *to Camille* I really hope your plan works.

Camille: I hope so, too.

Audrey: I... I'm just so nervous it's going to be me tonight. *deeply exhales*

Camille: It won't be you tonight. Trust me.

Audrey: [CONF: It's our first tribal council, and I'm terrified. I just need to have faith that Camille's plan is going to work.]

Mario: [CONF: I'm definitely nervous about tonight. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. However, I think I was able to convince enough people that Camille is untrustworthy and needs to go.]

Ftelia Tribal Council: Night 6

Jeff Probst: Behind each of you is a torch. Grab a torch and approach the flame. Dip it in and get fire. This is part of the ritual at Tribal Council, because in this game, fire represents your life. When your fire's gone, so are you.

[Everyone sits down.]

Jeff Probst: Alright, so Sarah, tell me how it's been for the first six days out here.

Sarah: *laughs* It's sure been... something. There was a mass idol hunt and everyone got their own palm reading.

Jeff Probst: Really?

Sarah: *nods* Olivia claims to be a psychic, so uh... we had to find out for ourselves how legitimate she was.

Jeff Probst: Julia, how would you describe your experience with the palm reading?

Julia: You know what Jeff, it was pretty emotional. She's a real one, and it even helped remind me why I'm here in the first place.

Jeff Probst: Does anyone else agree?

[Everyone raises their hand, except for Jonathan.]

Jeff Probst: Jonathan, I noticed you didn't raise your hand. Why's that?

Jonathan: Jeff, I rely on facts. I really didn't think much about my reading, because at the end of the day, the person who determines my future is myself.

Jeff Probst: Olivia, what do you have to say about this?
Olivia: You either believe... or you don't. I've been told I had a gift of helping guiding others ever since I was a young girl, so I decided that I wanted to pursue it professionally. As much as I would love for Jonathan to believe that I'm authentic, I can't control what he thinks.

Jeff Probst: Mario, Sarah mentioned how there was an idol hunt today. How was that?

Mario: It was crazy. We were in the woods for a couple hours. I never found anything, and no one ever told me they found it either. It could still be in there for all I know. People think I have the idol... but my bag is empty. I'll show you guys. *reaches for bag*

Camille: [close up shot]

Mario: *dumps bag out* Nothing. I just thought everyone should know.

Audrey: [whispers to Camille] Same plan?

Camille: *nods*

Jeff Probst: Audrey, on a scale from 1 to 10, how paranoid is this tribe?

Audrey: This tribe is about... a 10,000. There's been talk about idols and who has it all day. Like Mario said, it probably hasn't even been found yet. *laughs*

Olivia: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: Rafael, has there been talks about how the Revenge Vote could impact tonight's vote?

Rafael: Well, the Revenge Vote could either mean nothing just to throw us off, or it could give a sign to how the dynamics are on the other tribe.

Jeff Probst: Olivia, do you care to weigh in on this?

Olivia: Yeah, I agree with Rafael here. But, I do think it's going to have more of an impact once the game progresses. It could be the one vote to get you out of this game. So... you'll have to be extra careful after each vote.

Jeff Probst: Well, alright. It is time to vote. Dwight, you're first.

[Dwight, Audrey, Mario, Jonathan, and Camille head to the voting podium.]

Camille: *voting Mario* You say you don't have an idol, but I don't believe you. Hopefully you leave tonight.
[Sarah, Rafael, Olivia, and Julia head to the voting podium.]

Julia: *vote not shown* I'm going with my gut on this one. I'm sorry.

[Julia sits down.]

Jeff Probst: I'll go tally the votes.

[Close ups on Audrey, Camille, and Mario.]

Jeff Probst: *brings back urn* If anyone has a Hidden Immunity Idol and they would like to play it, now would be the time to do so.

Olivia: [close up shot]

Jeff Probst: Alright, I will read the votes. First vote...


Mario: *scoffs*

Jeff Probst: ...


Camille. 1 vote Camille, 1 vote Grace, 1 vote Mario.

Camille: *surprised face*

Audrey: *confused*

Jeff Probst: ...


Mario. 3 votes Mario, 1 vote Camille, 1 vote Grace.

Camille. 3 votes Mario, 2 votes Camille, 1 vote Grace.
Sarah: *looking nervously*

Audrey: [whispers to Camille] Where are the Dwight votes?

Jeff Probst: ...

Mario. 4 votes Mario, 2 votes Camille, 1 vote Grace.

Camille: *grinning*

Mario: *looking nervous*

Jeff Probst: ...

Camille. 4 votes Mario, 3 votes Camille, 1 vote Grace.

Camille: *eye widen* [under her breath] Oh s**t.

Olivia: *looks at Rafael*

Jeff Probst: ...

Camille. We're tied. 4 votes Mario, 4 votes Camille, 1 vote Grace. 1 vote left.

Julia: [close up shot]

Camille: [under her breath] Someone flipped.

Jeff Probst: ...Second person voted out of Survivor: Mykonos - Revenge Island...

Camille. Need to bring me your torch.

Camille: Wow...

Audrey: *flabbergasted* [whispering] W-W-What the? What the f**k?

Sarah: *looks at Julia* Oh my God... did you...?

Mario: *smiles with glee* Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone. *trying to catch his breath*

Olivia: [close up shot]

Camille: *sets torch down*

Jeff Probst: Camille, the tribe has spoken. *snuffs torch* Time for you to go.

Camille: Audrey, Jonathan... good luck. *leaves*

Audrey: *sobbing and blows a kiss*

Sarah: *sighs heavily*


Camille: *boards onto a boat* They got me. Damn, they got me good. I... I just can't believe I got blindsided on Survivor. I really hope Audrey and Jonathan can take it to the end. People are really good liars it seems like.

[Scene: A deserted island, with torches surrounding a parchment, pen, and urn.]

"Welcome to Revenge Island. Here, you may be able to get the last laugh on another castaway. On this parchment, write down a castaway's name, regardless of what tribe they're on. This vote will be read like any other vote at Tribal Council, so no one may suspect it is you. Someone may end up receiving a vote, regardless if they attend Tribal Council or not. All Revenge Votes are immune to idol plays. After you have cast your vote, you are asked to leave immediately."

Camille: *reading and smiles* Well, at least I have this. *opens pen* I really hope this makes a statement...

[Camille is seen writing down a name, but it is unclear who. She sticks the vote into the urn, and leaves.]

[Credits roll]



Camille: Dwight, Julia, Mario, Olivia, Rafael
Mario: Audrey, Camille, Jonathan, Sarah
Grace: Matt

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