Wedding Bell Blues

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The morning of the wedding, Annalise had an easier time getting on her feet than she had in what felt like forever, but had actually been only a few days. The event being a small casual outdoor one, she put on a dark blue floral two piece with a high neck and a small gap between the top and bottoms.

The sleep hadn't helped as much as she'd hoped. She'd struggled to stay asleep, suffered nightmares, and everything was still foggy. A proud graduate of the Daisy Villa hangover school, seeing how this felt remarkably similar despite the lack of alcohol involved, she did her best to do her hair and a little make up in a short period of time.

"Feeling any better?" Rosie asked, giving her a ride, which she reluctantly accepted, seeing how she had no car in Miami.

"I'm feeling fabulous," she lied with a smile as she slid into the passenger seat. "My mom and Hornstock are finally getting married and I'm here to see it. You start your clinical trial in less than two weeks. And for first time in four years, I'm not surprised to see the sun!" While he read through her lies, the fact that she conjured the energy to even say that word, "fabulous," never mind form several other sentences meant she'd slept. At least a little. Still worried, he held out a drink to her.

"What is this."

"It's packed full of electrolytes. Drink up."

"It looks gross. Why is there pulp?"

"Just trust me. Try it before you dismiss it."

"I wasn't gonna dismiss it. I'm offended you think I would," she joked. "I drank your milkshakes."

"Well, my milkshakes are bomb. This is hydration, not celebration."

"So you're telling me it's gross," she replied, reading the back of the bottle.

"Well, it's not as good as my milkshakes. But it'll help with those dizzy spells."

"I never told you I was getting dizzy."

"You just did." She looked up at him, unamused by little trick. "Drink up," he concluded as he looked over his shoulder and pulled out into the street. The ceremony was sweet, on the grass, some of the EMPD employees, Daisy's coworkers and friends, and Rosie's family and coworkers in attendance.

Above them hung string lights and behind them were tables under a tent. The ocean could be heard in the distance. It was a small area but a nice one for the amount of guests there.

Daisy wore a simple dress, nothing like the brides in the magazines, but she could dance all she wanted. For the first time since her fathers death, Annalise genuinely smiled, joyful tears glossing over her eyes as she stood to the side, watching the newly weds take their first married kiss. The sun set quickly, turning the sky pink, then purple, then blue as they ate, and soon enough, the grass once filled with chairs was filled with people dancing together.

"It's okay to be happy for your mother and sad for your father at the same time, Villa," Rosie's voice interrupted her viewing of the party from the table. Her eyes had been on Daisy once again, feeling a little better when her mother smiled. Seeing her be loved and loving. But Rosie was right. Her father was in the mix of emotions. Feeling better at the sight of her mother made her feel like she was pushing her father away, ignoring him like she'd ignored everyone else before. Already, she feared she was forgetting him. Or even enjoying life without him.

"How did you know my father died?" She asked, not tearing her eyes from the dancing as Rosie leaned forward on his elbows, sitting in the chair bedside her. He'd gotten up to dance with his mother a while ago and she wasn't sure when he'd sat back down, only that Donna was now dancing with her daughter.

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