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Izuku pov

The things that can happen in a day. I told my family off. I got a boyfriend and he met my real dad and papa. He also is the oy one who knows of my quirk though I know he won't tell. He actually really gets along with everyone.  Months pass and I practice agility and reflexes by having Aizawa sensei randomly throw me chocolate chips for me to catch in my mouth and eat much to papas demise. I stopped really ever talking to kacchan and izumi. I barely talk to toshinori but mom says she knows where I come from. Today is the day. I wish shoto was here but he and izumi are in on recommendations. Aizawa asked if I wanted to be to but I said no. I needed to prove myself. He was proud.
"Izuku are you ready!" Dad asks as he hugs me.
"Yeah!" I say while smiling. We both smile brightly
"To damn bright" Aizawa mutters and papa nods.
"You better be ready because if you don't make it to class 1-A I might strangle you" Aizawa sensei says and I nod. And so I'm off. Once I'm in the gates I bump into someone. Kacchan.
"Fuck off Deku" he yells. I feel eyes on me because if my mask.. oh well. I walk In and present mic explains the rules. Then a boy interrupts. He went on and on about how it would be bad if there was a mistake but I knew he didn't get to it.
"and you! Why are you wearing a mask! That is very disrespectful" he says. I look at him and make eye contact. I study him. I also release a rather weak death aura but he gets the hint and sits down. I look at present mic and he finishes. As we go I see him. I walk up.
"Hey sorry about scaring you I just have a really bad scar from being attacked as a kid and it's really sensitive" I say
"Oh my! I'm so sorry." He says as he does a 90 degree angle bow. I pat his shoulder.
"It's fine but I didn't wanna say that in front of every one. Good luck" I say with a wave as I walk away. He looks even more determined. Just then the buzzer goes off. Knowing how sadistic nezu can be I take off. After a few moments of me taking robots down with out using my secret weapon they get told to go. I have at least 70 points using no quirk. Just then I feel a rumble. I look up and see a huge robot. As I'm about to run I see a girl stuck under a rock. There was a moment until I was climbing up it's leg. I'll reveal my quirk later. I climb up onto it's back and open a panel. I rip wires off and it shuts down. It starts falling right on the girl. I up down and pick her up. I run to the entrance as the thing crashes down.
I can almost feel how proud dad and papa are. I smile and give her to recovery girl.
"Did you get hurt izuku?" She asks. I shake my head. We know each other a lot more due to me always beating up Aizawa sensei.
With that the buzzer to stop goes off and we leave..

3rd person pov

The teachers were amazed. A quirkless kid did that. Well not quirkless but he never used his quirk. Then even more to their surprise.
"YES, I KNEW HE WOULD DO FINE" Aizawa yelled with a smile while standing up.
"Wait was that your izuku?" Mic asked.
"Hell yeah" Aizawa responded.
"Wow I see why you have taken a liking to him. Look at this." Nezu said. It cut to a video of izuku talking to iida.
"Damn even when iida was...iida he was still nice and decided not to be embarrass him in front of everyone" midnight said... He got top scores on everything. Even the written which has never happened. And even fixed a questions Grammer with a doodle of a smiley face.
That night when izuku went home he snuck through the window.  He immediately went to bed. He woke up and went to train but was stopped. He saw his sister.
"What do you want" he said
"I wanna train. Just one day to see what it's like" she said. He sighed and sent a text to everyone explaining the situation. They agreed
"Fine, if you can't keep up, go home" he said. She was confused but followed. It can't be that bad. She watched him scale the side of the house and land on the roof.
"You probably can't do parkour so just run" he said. She nodded. She watched in amazement as he hopped silently from house to house. She ran after. When they finally arrived she was breathing hard but izuku was fine.
"Aizawa sensei, I believe you have met izumi" he said. All this sudden she saw 2 chocolate chips fly. Izuku caught both.
"Race from end to end of the beach. No quirks today. Winner only does a hundred push ups, not 200" he said. She used her quirk for everything but she can probably win right? I mean she is izumi. And with that they raced. At first she zoomed past but on the way back he basically flew in front of her and won by over 10 seconds. She was huffing on the ground while he just wiped a bit if sweat off his forehead.
"Blind, deaf and underwater"  Aizawa said. Izuku nodded while his sister looked confused. She watched izuku put a clip over his nose. Take a swig if water but not swallow it and out on headphones and a blindfold. Aizawa and him. She watched them spar. It was amazing. Then she watched her brother grab the scarf from Aizawa and tie him up with izukus green scarf. He then punched Aizawa in the nose effectively breaking it.
"Sorry I'll take you to recovery girl." Izuku said after he spit the water out much to izumis suprise. He took off everything and picked up Aizawa. She was about to help him as she realized all the broken bones but stopped when she saw izuku pick him up fine.
"You gonna keep up" he said as he walked off. She nodded and ran up.
"So what's the special occasion?" She said to which izuku and Aizawa looked at her shocked.
"There is none" izuku said.
"So why did you train so hard" she said.
"He told me to go easy on you. That was the warm up." Aizawa said and izumi looked up in surprise. How did her brother do all this.
"Why do you hurt me like this." Aizawa said. Izuku laughed and said sorry. They arrived at UA. Izumi was shocked.
"Is she allowed In or.." izuku said.
"She'll be fine if she follows us" Aizawa said. Izuku nodded and walked in. She followed them to not get lost. They arrived at a door. Izuku knocked and was let in by recovery girl.
"Who is this izuku?" rg asked izuku.
"Izumi, my sister" he said.
She healed Aizawa and sent him on his way. They walked back to the beach and Aizawa got in a yellow sleeping bag. Izuku kept training.
"So if he's sleeping why don't you just chill and say you trained" izumi asked
"Because if I don't train I dont win, and my rule is that I never lose so I have to train, also he always knows" he said as he kept training. He stopped when he received a text. He took out his phone and smiled. She hadn't seen him smile in months. Now he did smile all the time. But never with his family because they didn't bring him joy. Well his mom went back to when it was like he was 4 but it was still less than izumi.
"Texting your boyfriend?" Izumi said
""I'm not texting shoto" he responded
"I never said anything about shoto" she said. He turned red and she laughed.
"Whatever" he said but he smiled again as his phone buzzed.
She tried to sneak up to see who it was. He hid his phone. He was about to tell her off when he looked behind her and smiled.
"Ahh you must be here for Aizawa sensei" he said to the person behind her. It was present mic. He nodded.

Izuku pov

Perfect, I can tease him about it.
I thought as I approached Aizawa sensei. As soon as he was there i pored water on him. He immediately got up. He was about to probably kill me when he saw present mic
"Your husband needs you" I say with a smirk. He blushes and gets up. I laugh
"Aizawa loves his husband. Aizawa loves his husband. Aizawa loves his husband" I say as he walks to his husband.
"Izuku loves his boyfriend izuku loves his boyfriend" he mocks as I turn Red.
I walk up to present mic and stare at him. study him. Analyze him.
"Don't worry he does that, he's just studying you" Aizawa sensei says.
"Name is hisashi Yamada, hero name is present mic. Quirk is a voice quirk that makes you loud. You have support gear to aim your screams. Deathly afraid of bugs and married to shota Aizawa. Personality is hyper, excited and loud. Also a DJ and teacher at UA, you teach English" I say.
"How did you-" he says
"I just do" I say with a smile and go to shake his hand. He gladly accepts.
"What did you need?" Aizawa says.
"I heard from recovery girl that you got hurt" he said. Izumi looks at us. I shrug.
"He didn't hurt me that bad" Aizawa sensei says.
"Wait who? She only told me you got hurt" present mic says
"N-no one" Aizawa sensei says. I look at him. My look is apology enough. He nods.
"Wait the kid did that?" He asks. Aizawa just nods. I look at him sheepishly. I'm still timid at heart and only not timid when with those I'm close to.
"Damn kid, I saw you at the entrance exam but to beat shota, must have some good aim." He says.
"He was fighting blind, deaf and underwater" my sister suddenly pipes up. Present Mic chokes on the air.
"Wait a damn minute, you said he was a kid not a beast of a kid" he says after breathing.
"Stop your gonna make him get a fever from the compliments" Aizawa sensei says as I turn red.
"HEY DEKU, WHY ARE YOU HERE. I WANNA BE ALONE!"  Kacchan yells. I didnt know he was here. I also hear pops. From his explosions. Then. Back in the ally. I can't breathe. I can't see. All I hear is his explosions as I collapse onto the ground and start shaking. I feel the chain around my throat, the heat from his explosions on my face. My scar hurts. I take off the mask and throw it. I start touching my scar. It hurts but it's just a scar. I relax. The chain is gone. No more burning. The scar hurts but it's better than what it felt like that day. I stopped shaking. I remember a video on how to try and control panic attacks. I did it. I smile before breathing a shaky breath. I feel a hand on my shoulder. Not a real hand but the presence of one. It's papa. I put my hand where it is. He's asking permission. I'm telling him I'm fine. He understands and I feel his presence vanish. I stand feeling proud of myself. I stopped it. By. Myself. I look and see a very concerned present mic and Aizawa. Though Aizawa was angry at bakugou who seemed to stop.
"I'm fine, I got control" I say in a hushed voice. Aizawa smiles slightly at my accomplishment. I return the smile brighter.
"It's about 5, how about I walk you home." Aizawa says. I shrug and see izumi nod.
"I uhh don't think I can walk, training is hard, I don't know how you can do it" she said. I smile and walk over. I offer my hand. She takes it. We're family again. No more quirks. No more anything. Just family. I smile at her and she returns it. I hoist her on to my back and she grabs on me a piggy back.
"Let's go" I say. Aizawa sensei nods.
"Can I come?" Present Mic says. I nod and we walk away while kacchan stands there in shock. He didn't think I would get a panic attack.
As we approached the door Aizawa knocked for me so izumi wouldn't fall. She fell asleep. I understand. The first day is painful. I walked in and to my parents suprise, had izumi on my back. Fast asleep.
"Training" I say. They nod.
"Bye Aizawa sensei, present mic" I say. Aizawa nods and present mic waves happily. I take izumi to her room. She plops on the bed and I go to dinner. I eat my dinner and get up.
"Hey izuku what do you do in training that tired her out so much?" Mom asks
"Ohh I'm she only did beginning warm-ups..I do advanced and a workout. I also spar and increase my senses." I say. She looks more interested.
"I also fight blind, deaf and underwater which is with headphones, a blindfold and my nose plugged with water in my mouth". I say.
"And parkour and scarf training" I finish.
"Damn, Aizawa really trains" toshinori says. I nod And go to bed.
So I will not go by the canon birthdays. It will be my choice 2322 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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