Chapter 4: Neighbors

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The above picture is what I imagine Tess like.🏹🏹⚓⚓

This one was a tall blonde. He too was muscular. He had his blue set of eyes on me as he approached. He was good looking but not as much as the previous one.

"I'm Travis, would you like to out on coffee or something?"

"Excuse me? " was all I could utter.

"Travis here is a jerk, he loves scaring people at first meeting. By the way I'm Tj. " he said extending his hand with a smile.
I didn't want to crash into my ex school mates,  so I went with my middle name.

I shook his hand and replied warmly "Teresa Jules here. "

    "so Teresa you must be new kid, haven't seen you around?" asked Travis

"I just moved in here today."

" let me guess college? " enquired Tj.

"yes."I replied plainly.

Just then My phone rang. I Excused myself and picked up the phone.
" hey,mommy wat'ch you doing? "
I said opening the lock on my door.

      "Getting bored without my favorite girl."
I could hear Jen shouting. "what about me mommy?"

We chuckled at her kiddish act.

"Miss you too mommy. "

"How's the place? Changed or..... "

" It hasn't changed much but Its difficult for me to recollect streets or places.  When I'll cross places, I guess then I may able to... "

      "Don't worry honey not a big issue plus you will Alex there too. "

"I'm so excited for that, Mady called up and informed me,  I was so relieved. Finally I won't die alone in my freshman year."

"I miss you....i just called up to make sure you were doing well. "

"I'm,  you don't have to worry yourself. I'm a grown up. "

"but for me you always be my little munchkin and you are just 18, still a teenager under my custody."

"I'm a major now you don't have to be so worried I can take care of myself."

" You don't get to argue me on that one kiddo."

"Aye aye captain! "

" Hey sissy,  what's up?" Jen spoke up.

" Good till now so far let's see the rest."

" did you make some friends?"

"sister dearest,well every one is not so, friendly like you.... I'm not as good as you in getting paly."

" OH!  Come on. Didn't you talk to any of your neighbors?"

"Yes, I did meet a girl. She seemed sweet and plus Max befriended her dog Katy. "

" Max seems to be better than you at this job." She mocked.

"True as fuck." I grinned looking at the brat.

"Language." my mom shouted

We both giggled.
We ended the call with good night and stuff.

I was exhausted by now. So I slept my ass off.

I got up in the morning with the sun rays paving there way right on my face.
Damn I regret not having a curtain in my room. I'll have to run a few errands today.

   As I got up, Max leaped on me.
I fucking hate mornings.
     I patted him as he settled on my bed. I looked up to the clock. It's eleven. My mom wouldn't like me waking up at this hour. She and Jen were always up by eight or nine.
Damn early risers.

  I walked into my bathroom. Brushed and freshened up quickly. I pulled my noodle strap black top and a low waist  pant.

    Now that I have to go out, I exactly don't know how long will it take.
        Now Max was the problem. Where should I leave him,  I'm  surely not taking him to super market.

    As I was about to start with my hair. The doorbell caught my attention. I ran downstairs to get the door.

     A sweet old couple (about in there late 50s) stood by the door.
" Hello, we are your neighbors. My wife here loves meeting new people."
Said the old man who after finishing earned an elbow nudge from his wife.

"HI, I'm Elena and this is my husband Robert, it's nice to me you."

" I'm Teresa, and the pleasure is all mine. " smiling gently.
I welcomed them in, which they denied.
"we will come, some other time so we could stay in for long." she exclaimed.

" You are welcome always ma'am."

"No formalities, Elena please. And we are the just next door,if you need any help,  you can come anytime. Don't hesitate dear. "

As I was about to reply ,there came Max who was about to shoot himself towards the door.

  But then he just went on smoothly and started licking Robert.

"Hey man, what's your name. " Robert  said massaging his back.

" Max "I replied.

" Robert loves dogs. We had a lab, it died 2 years ago. Ever since that happened, we didn't keep one. "

" Young lady, if you need help with the dog,  I'm always there. "

" Actually I do need a favor. I'm going out to buy some essentials, so I'm a bit worried about where to leave in the meanwhile."

" Then your problem is solved,  he is always welcome at Johnson's "

" thank you, that means alot."

"I'll except your thanks only if you drop by for dinner. "

" I'd love too. "

"Then how about tomorrow."Elena said as she clapped her hands together in excitement.
"Get this 'man' along with you. "  Robert said pointing at Max.

"surely." I replied with a huge smile.

I handed them the leash and body belt.
"thanks once again." and waved off.

I did my hair in a rush and ran out not forgetting to lock the door.
I'm very careless when It comes to household responsibilities.

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