Chapter 11: Visiting the Princesses

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Today is another normal day in Ponyville as the Mane 7 decided to spend the day at (Y/N)'s place. (Y/N) house was actually a very fun place for the Mane 7 as it had everything what they could want. There was a library where Twilight and Spike reading some of (Y/N)'s combat spell books, a kitchen where Pinkie Pie is currently making delicious treats for everypony, a peaceful backyard where Fluttershy is relaxing with some chirping birds and Rarity is smelling some of the flowers, a training room where Applejack is bucking a training dummy to test out her strength, and a game room where Rainbow Dash and (Y/N) were playing Pony Pong with each other on a table.

(A/N): Don't ask. I made Pony Pong up.

Everyone was enjoying themselves happily until in the kitchen a loud ding was made and Pinkie called out to everypony.

Pinkie Pie: Cupcakes are done everypony!

Pinkie yelled this out across the house as everypony could here it and they all walked to (Y/N)'s kitchen to sit down at a table together and eat some delicious cupcakes.

(Y/N): Wow, Pinkie! Once again, you know how to make the perfect sweets for anypony.

Pinkie blushed a little and giggled from (Y/N)'s compliment.

Pinkie Pie: Aw, thanks (Y/N).

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), I have to say that you have quite a supply of spell books in your library room. You must practice magic a lot.

(Y/N): If it's anything that's help me protect anypony more, it's what I'll take.

Rarity: (Y/N), you also have such a beautiful assortment of flowers in your backyard.

Fluttershy: And it's so peaceful outside that it attracts some singing birds.

(Y/N): Heh, heh thanks you two. How's my training dummy like Applejack?

Applejack: I've got to say, it's definitely a great tool to use for combat. You use it often?

(Y/N): You bet. I practice on it for 30 minutes a day as a daily routine.

Rainbow Dash: Dude, you've got some skills when it comes to playing some sports like Pony Pong.

(Y/N): Eh, I didn't get a game room for nothing.

Suddenly, Spike belches up his signature green flames as it faded to reveal a rolled up scroll with a red ribbon.

Twilight Sparkle: Spike, is it a letter from Princess Celestia?

Spike: Yeah, but. . . it's for (Y/N).

(Y/N): Wait, a letter for me from the princess? What did it say?

Spike opens up the letter to read it out loud to everypony.

Spike: "Dear (Y/N), I was wanting to see how you have been doing lately ever since you have returned here in Equestria and became not only a resident, but the Hero of Ponyville. I've heard that you have done great things by protecting the citizens such defending them from an Ursa Minor and restoring Ponyville all by yourself when it was eaten up by parasprites. I wish to see you once again (Y/N) as there are many things my sister and I want to catch up with you ever since we saw you as an alicorn foal. If you decide to come to Canterlot and wish to see us, the royal crest on the letter will allow you to enter the royal palace. My sister and I hope to see you soon. From, Princess Celesta."

When Spike was finished reading the letter, everypony saw the royal crest at the bottom of the letter which surprised them.

Twilight Sparkle: (Y/N), you've been invited to the royal palace! That's a huge honor not many ponies get.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now