Final Chapter: The True Best Night Ever

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(A/N): Here we are my comrades. The Season Finale. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as it will be longer and different than the show.

Today is the day that the Mane 7 have been waiting for weeks now. Tonight in Canterlot is the Grand Galloping Gala. A party that the Mane 7 have been talking about the whole season. Twilight, (Y/N), Pinkie Pie, and Spike were near Carousel Boutique and Pinkie was so excited about the Grand Galloping Gala that she was jumping high on a trampoline, shouting while Twilight was trying to read a spell book.

Pinkie Pie: Ahh! I. . . can't... believe. . . the Grand. . . Galloping. . . Gala. . . is. . . tonight!

(Y/N): Yes, Pinkie we know. You've been yelling that nonstop for the past hour.

Twilight Sparkle: And would you please stop shouting, I'm trying to concentrate!

Rarity then comes out of Carousel Boutique and she instantly notices Pinkie jumping up and down on the trampoline and goes over to her.

Rarity: Pinkie Pie! Stop that right now. It's time to prepare for the Gala, and I refuse to let you put on your new dress when you're all sweaty.

Pinkie pouts at that as she broke the laws of physics and just stopped instantly before just landing on the trampoline without jumping back up. Pinkie then walks over to Spike and (Y/N) who were watching Twilight read a book.

Pinkie Pie: What's Twilight doing?

Spike: She's got an awesome magic spell she's been working on for the Gala.

(Y/N): She said that it will involve our transportation to the Gala tonight.

Rarity: Where are the others? It's getting late.

Applejack: Hold your horses, girl. We're here.

Applejack then appears and walks up to the group along with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle: Perfect. I'm ready.

Rainbow Dash: For what?

(Y/N): Watch as you about to witness an amazing spell that Twilight's been practicing to prepare for tonight.

Spike then places an apple down in front of Twilight.

Pinkie Pie: An apple! Are we having pie?

(Y/N): No Pinkie. Just watch.

Twilight then glows her horn and the apple soon grows and turns into a large carriage. Everypony was just amazed by what Twilight did and they all softly cheered for her success attempt.

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, but that's just the start. Fluttershy, did you bring your friends?

Fluttershy: Yes.

Four white mice then appeared out of Fluttershy's mane as Fluttershy let them onto the ground.

Fluttershy: Will they be safe, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: You have my word.

Twilight then glows her horn once more and she turns the mice into fancy-looking horses to pull the carriage. The rest of the Mane 7 either cringed or gave weird looks at horse mice as they all thought that they looked very weird like that.

(Y/N): (Thoughts) Um. . . horse and mice aren't exactly the best combination. I mean, this isn't some fairy tale like some book I read back on Earth.

Twilight Sparkle: Neat, huh? And don't worry, they'll be mice again at midnight.

Rarity's cat, Opalescence then comes from behind a tree and she notices that the horses faces looked a lot like mice as she smirked and launched herself at them.

MLP FiM: The Hero of Equestria (MLP FiM x Male Pony Reader) (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now