Chapter 1

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Alabama.The place I grew up. The place I fell in love with.The place I ran away from six years ago because I got pregnant.The place I miss.
"Come on lucy may we have to get to the airport". We were just now leaving busy New York to go back to my hometown. It has been six years since I have been there or seen him. I was excited to go to Alabama again so lucy can meet her family. She knows no one in her family besides me because I ran away. I ruined my life according to everyone there. I was a high school student that dropped out because of her teenage hormones That was not the case at all though."seriously Lucy common" "I'm common mom, I do have to make sure I have everything." That is my daughter Lucy May Tamer(my maiden name) She has emerald green eyes and fiery red hair. She is also in love with farm animals of any kind .Well back to the story. So we had a nice trip to the airport. Then we had to get on the plane and little Lucy got nervous so I had to get her to sleep before we boarded the plane.Witch wasn't that bad, but they could have given is more peanuts. Then we landed at the small airport.
I saw the unbelievable...
Authors POV
Hey guys so this is the the first chapter. I didn't write a lot because I didn't know exactly what to say.this book is probably going to go on for like a month I'm guessing but don't expect a long story because I think I may just keep it simple,but maybe 50 chapters.
Peace out love✌️
(This is copyrighted material)

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