Day 10✌🏼🤪

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I woke up with the feeling of dried up tears on my cheeks so I get up and go into the restroom and shower and then wash my face and brush my teeth and I pick a outfit out and put it on

And I walk back into my room and shake kairi and say "kai wake up" he groans and says "nooooo" I grab a pillow and hit him in the head and he says "fu*k you" and he gets up and grabs a pillow and chases me downstairs as we both run down the steps ...

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And I walk back into my room and shake kairi and say "kai wake up" he groans and says "nooooo" I grab a pillow and hit him in the head and he says "fu*k you" and he gets up and grabs a pillow and chases me downstairs as we both run down the steps and into the living room with pillows in our hands when he hits me from behind and I fall which causes him to trip over me and fall beside me and we both die of laughter when he says "o-OMGG the way you felll" I say "jokes on you, you tripped over me" he mocks me and I say "ugh how rude" he says "ugh how rude" I'm a girly voice and I stand up and say "stop that" and I walk upstairs and he follows me and says "stop that" again with a girly voice and I say "STOP ITTTTT" he says "STOP ITTTTTT" AGAIN IN A GIRLY VOICE and I run into avanis room which her and ale are staying in and I say "TELL HIM TO STOP" kairi says "TELL HER TO STOP" avani laughs and throws a pillow at y'all and ale says "I swear y'all are so stupid"

i hit kairi in the head and fake cries and I say "I'm sowwy owaf🥺⛄️" he says "it's ok you rat face" I put my hand to my chest and gasp and he says "uh oh" and he runs downstairs and I chase him to the couch and I tackle him and he says "no no nooo" and he starts to tickle me and I say "KAI-AHH NO IMMA PEE MYSLEF STOPPPPPPP" he laughs an then stops and says "ok I'm tired from chasing you around we both sit on the couch and watch tv

After a while I say "ouuu we should make a fire and roast some marshmallows and make s'mores" kairi says "omg yeah" and the others all run downstairs and say "WE HEARD S'MORES" I laugh and say "yeah tonight" they smile and sit on the couch with me and kai and I say "soooo we should go to target really quick" they nod and everyone grabs their mask and we leave to target

We put our mask on and went inside,
When we got inside they follow me to the pool floats and stuff like
that and I say "ok so we are gonna by like 3 of these mini pools and then you get a partner and put blankets and snacks and stuff and we have to sleep outside in the pool and it won't be that cold either because it's almost summer so yeah but anyways I grabbed these

•target•We put our mask on and went inside, When we got inside they follow me to the pool floats and stuff like that and I say "ok so we are gonna by like 3 of these mini pools and then you get a partner and put blankets and snacks and stuff and w...

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(They were in a box, duh😂)

Anyways I put them into the cart and we go to the snacks and grabs tons of snacks and drinks and then we get in line to pay

After we finished paying we left back to the house and I went into a storage closet we have a grabbed the projector and I put outside and

(So we are gonna project the movie onto the side of the house where it's like blank so that's good)

I say "boyssss" the boys come out and I say "can y'all hook this up to my laptop and stuff while me and the girls blow up the floats" they nod and I go get the girls and say "ok help me blow these up"

I went to go get like a air pump or something and started to blow up the inflatable pool and then I put it beside the pool and avani blew one up and so did malu and then I say "ok now let's just wait till it gets dark and before the movie we can make s'mores" everyone nods and we go inside


I ran to the others and said "ok let's make some s'mores"

We all go outside and I say "umm can one of y'all start this like fire place thingy or whatever it is" Mattia laughs and says "I will" I nod and went inside and grabbed marshmallows, chocolate, and gram crackers and then I grabbed some like stick thingys to roast our marshmallows, Anyways I went back outside and have everyone some marshmallows and chocolate and some gram crackers and we made s'mores

We were all laughing and having a good time when I say "omg Olaf come here" he stands up and I wipe his lip and say "you had chocolate" he says "oopsies" we laugh and Mattia says "I really do ship y'all tho" you say "no we are just friends, stop" Mattia says "I've caught y'all almost kissing before, and then y'all have kissed once"

ale says "and kairi you used to have a crush on y/n in middle school so" I look at kairi like this 😳 and he looks at ale and does this
😑🖕🏼and says "fuck you bro, she didn't know that" I laugh and poke kairi and say "YOU USED TO LIKE MEEEE" he says "why is it such a big deal" I shrug and say "But y'all won't catch us being flirty anymore or KISSING and besides that kiss didn't mean anything"

Ouchhh, she actually said that"

•Regular POV•

I say "ok let's start the challenge" they nod and I say "ok let's pick partners" they nod and kairi says "I pick Mattia" everyone looks at him with a WHAT THE HELL face and I say "ok now ale pick" he says "I pick avani" I smile and say "ok come on malu" she smiles and we put snacks and blankets and stuff in inflatable pool and then slowly put it into the big pool and I say "ok everyone in your little pools😂" they all get in one with their partner and I run and start the movie and it begins to project on the side of the house and I get in the pool with malu and we all sit and lay down and stuff and get comfy and the movie starts

The movie ended and most people were asleep but me and the girls weren't and I say "avani" she looks at me and says "what" I say "y'all wanna leave the boys by themselves and have a girls night" avani and malu whisper scream and I laugh and me and malu get out of our little pool and we then go around and help avani our slowly so she doesn't wake ale and we run inside

We got into my room and I shut the door and say "I'm sleepy good night" they say "WHAT THE HELLL" I say "go to sleep" they sigh and I change into this

We got into my room and I shut the door and say "I'm sleepy good night" they say "WHAT THE HELLL" I say "go to sleep" they sigh and I change into this

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(Idk if used it before but Wtv)

And y'all go to sleep

Sorry for any misspelling😕

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