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I was in the bathroom, talking on the phone with Quinton and doing my makeup, when Tristan walked inside. "Jesus, T! Ever heard of knocking?", I questioned as he laughed. "How long does it usually take you to do your makeup?", he asks while I lifted an eyebrow up.

"45 minutes to an hour, but depends where I'm going", I answered while he nodded. "I want to be the next a James Charles", he said as Quinton chuckled. "There's something you want to tell us buddy?", the 16 year old asked as I began to laugh. "I want you to teach me all the skills", Tristan followed seriously.

"Why do you want to learn so much about makeup?", I questioned as he shrugged. "It looks cool, and I wanna be the baddest bitch in the house", he said while snapping his fingers together and giving me sass. Quinton and I bursted out laughing while my cousin just flipped us off.

"Fine, I'll teach you tonight, I have a dance class in an hour", I told him smiling before he kissed my cheek and left the bathroom. "Are you sure he's alone in his head?", Quinton questioned before I heard Tristan scream, "yes I am!"

"You got your answer", I chuckled before getting out and making my way to my room. I started laying out outfits so that he could help me pick one for dance. "What class is it today?", he asked as I checked my calendar. "Class with Nicole, heel class", I said pulling out my tight black heels from my closet.

"Damn, you gonna have to post that vid on insta", he said as I chuckled. "Yeah especially after all the comments", I rolled my eyes before he looked down.

Quinton and I had posted a picture together and I quoted "lover boy" because that's how I call him. Then fans started coming at me saying that I'm "stealing" him from Cynthia, that I'm a cougar and that he's too young for me, that I should be disgusted by myself, etc.

"Fuck them, people are stupid", he just answered while I bite my lip. "Not when it's a hundred people coming for your head", I told him while packing my bag. "I told you, do you want me to address it? I'll do it, Em, just say the words", he asked while I disapproved.

"Josh is doing a teatok tomorrow, we can address it there", I just answered while he sighed before agreeing. "I have to go, I'll call you when class ends. Kisses", I said blowing him a kiss before hanging up. "I can drop you off", I heard Bryan say while I turned around quickly.

"I can-...", I started as he closed my door before wrapping his hand around my neck violently. "It wasn't a question", he said while my breath got heavier causing him to smirk. As he let go of my neck, I got closer to him and kissed his earlobe "don't ever, and I mean ever, cut me off again", I whispered before getting out of my room.

As we were driving to playground LA, Bryan had his hand on my thigh and driving with his sunglasses on. I took some pictures of him, since he looked cute, and he chuckled. "I like hanging out with you, you know?", he said while I smiled shyly. "Yeah, me too", I told him while he chuckled softly.

"What are we?", I questioned after a long silent pause, he looked over at me before sighing. "I'm not ready for a relationship, not right now. I need to focus on my career, and I don't just want to be fuck buddies cause you are so much more then that....", he started as I put my finger on his lips, cutting him off. "Friends with benefits, just two close friends who likes fucking each other".

He chuckled while I smiled. "We promise not to catch feelings?", he questioned while I nodded. We pinky promised before finally arriving to the studio. "Have a nice class", he answered while I smiled and waved at him.

As I got inside, I saw Sarah and Jenny talking with Drew. I went to see them and started to stretch. "You know Mads? She slept with Noah", Sarah said as we all gasped. "No she did not, isn't he with Emily?", I questioned while Drew nodded. "He cheated!" Jenny screamed while whispering. "They were supposedly "on a break"", Sarah followed while I frowned my eyebrows.

"Didn't she just post a picture saying happy 8 months?", I asked confused before Jenny nodded, we saw Mads walking in the studio followed by Noah and Emily. "You think they're all doing each other?", Drew asked as Jenny hit him behind the head while I chuckled.

"Hi ladies", Mads said with a fake smile, she was only nice to us because she wanted to feel included. "Hi Mads, how was you weekend?", I questioned while she shrugged. "Nothing new", she simply answered while Noah looked mildly uncomfortable. "What about you Noah?", asked Drew while I saw Mads smirk in the corner of her mouth.

"Oh, I went to-umm, play soccer with my cousin", he stuttered which made Sarah chuckled. "What about you baby?", questioned Jenny to Emily who shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing that special mostly cleaning", she answered while we nodded, not caring at all.

Emily was this girl that you could hate for 5 minutes but then love the next minute. She also has a super boring life which was the opposite form Noah who is a party animal, but opposite so attract I guess. Before we could say anything else, Nicole walked in followed by Dexter.

"Gather up people", screamed Nicole while we all gathered into a cercle around her and Dexter. "Hip hop with Dex, heels with me", she followed as the group split into two. As I was finishing up to tie my heels, Emily came to see me. "Yes?", I question while she looked at me shyly.

"You want to be partners for the video?", she questioned while I smiled before nodding. Class went great, the video turned out amazing and I couldn't wait to get back home to chill.

Dayne picked me up since Bryan was supposedly on a date. "He didn't tell you before dropping you off?", he questioned as I disapproved. "That's why he wanted to take my car", I said hitting my forehead as Dayne chuckled.

"How was class?", he questioned as I made a chef kiss making him laugh. "Amazing, when I dance with heels it makes me feel so powerful. You're just taller and-...yeah", I said as he lifted one of his eyebrows. "Does being tall mean you're powerful?", he questioned as I rolled my eyes. "Not when you're a little bitch" I answered chuckling.

He flipped me off as we finally arrived home, I went to take a shower before Tristan walked in with his phone, on live, and sat on the chair that he brought. "Tristan!", I screamed while he brushed it off. "You said you were going to teach me how to do makeup", he said in a baby voice while I rolled my eyes.

"Let me get dressed first", I answered before grabbing a hoodie and my shorts. I got back to the bathroom to find him playing with my brushes. "I want you to turn me into a drag queen", he said as I chuckled. "You want lashes?", I questioned while he duh'd me.

"Yeah I want lashes, I want all that shit. I want the blush-...", "the concealer? The highlight? Mascara? Liner?", I questioned as he kept nodding. "All that shit, I want to be a drag queen", he chuckled while looking at his phone. "Someone just sent 20 bucks", he said as I looked at him impressed. "I want to be a drag queen", he kept saying as I laughed before finishing to dry my hair.

"Someone said: I'd pay good money to see him in drag. How much we talking?", he said snapping his finger with some sass before we both bursted into laughters. "You want lipstick?", I asked while he took my face between his hands. "Make me look like a bad bitch, okay?", he questioned while I nodded.

"You will be the baddest bitch in this house, I promise", I told him before putting his hair up in a ponytail and the journey began.

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