Prologue: Parallel Versions, Parallel Universes

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Hin was lying on the grass, with his head on my lap, while I was sitting; we were both watching the night sky filled with stars. It was our annual getaway trip. It began as a whim, but then we found how rewarding it was to escape the city for at least a night, away from the pollution, the crowd, and the tall buildings. So what began as a whim became an annual tradition. This is our fifth year.

"Have I told you that I dreamed of being an astronaut when I was a kid?" I asked Hin. He shifted his gaze at me.

"I didn't know that," he said.

"It's true. I saw this anime on TV about a kid who dreamed of being an astronaut because his Dad was one. I can't remember the title, but after that, I was reading about the solar system and the galaxies."

"What happened to that dream?"

"Nothing happened to it. I just grew up."

His look lingered and then he went back to stargazing. I continued brushing his hair and I could see how this was making him sleepy.

"Te," he called. He had his eyes closed and was mumbling.


"Do you believe in a parallel universe?" I was silent as I thought about it.

"Te," he called again; this time, his eyes were open. "Did you hear what I said?"

"I did," I said as I pinched his nose lightly to tease him. "I was just thinking about it. I think it's possible. I think it's not right to dismiss an entire idea or possibility just because it seems implausible at the time."

"You're right," he said. "But me, I believe that there is a parallel universe out there. And that there is a parallel version of myself and a parallel version of you."

"Do you think they're also together?"

"Our parallel versions? I hope so. But Te, you know what?"


"No matter what universe we're in, I know I'd love you the same."

I was glad he had his eyes closed when he said that. He didn't see my pleasant surprise. He didn't see when the tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. I looked up at the stars and imagined what our parallel versions were doing. I could see them, in the same position as us, Parallel Hin lying on Parallel Tay's lap, looking above, looking at us.

"Me, too, Hin. I know I'd love you the same."

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