Family Dinner

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Soulmates were a thing. This Y/n knew. She also knew that their taste buds were connected. What she didn't know, however, was that you could only taste the flavours you didn't like from the other person. If your soulmate didn't like grapes and you ate them, that's what they would taste.

She woke up like normal that day, getting ready for school like she always did during the week. Just as she was about to put her shirt on, she gagged, the flavour of grape jelly filling her mouth. The female groaned as she shook her head, silently cursing her soulmate.

Y/n grumbled as she finished getting ready before going to the bus stop. Once the bus came and she got situated, she waited for her best friend Wooyoung to get on. She closed her eyes for a few minutes until she felt the seat shift.

"Wooyoung I'm going to end up murdering my soulmate. Every morning they eat grape jelly. Not to mention they seem to also love ketchup and fish." She complained.

The male laughed softly as he shook his head. "Your soulmate sounds like something else. But I feel your pain. My soulmate seems to loves cucumbers and spinach."

She raised an eyebrow. "Both of which are delicious." She retorted.

"Grape jelly is delicious too. I can't help it your taste buds are weird and like grapes but not grape flavoured things." He muttered sassily.

She rolled her eyes as the bus stopped outside their school. Wooyoung was pushed out of the seat, the male squeaking softly as he fell to the floor. The duo laughed as they exited the vehicle, his arm around her shoulders.

"I wonder who our soulmates are though. They have a lot of explaining to do." He muttered jokingly as he lead the way to their lockers.

Y/n nodded in agreement before she remembered something her mother had said the day before. "Oh! My parents want you and your family to come over tonight for dinner. If that's alright with your parents, that is." She murmured quickly.

He nodded his head slowly. "I'll mention it to them but we already know their answer. They adore your parents." He said with a laugh as they finally sat down at their desks.

The two continued to talk until their teacher called the room's attention, wanting to start the lesson. They were learning about the periodic table and different elements as well as combinations of elements.

"You're homework for tonight will be to balance each of these equations. Remember to make sure to change anything that doesn't work and don't forget that there needs to be an even number in front of the one equation!" The teacher exclaimed as she finished handing out the papers just as the bell rang.

The students rushed out, ready to go to their next class and get it over with. Y/n walked with Wooyoung as far as she could before they had to depart ways, having different classes that period. She ruffled his hair before running away, slipping into her next class.

She grinned at Mingi and Yunho before slipping between the two to get to her seat. For an unknown reason, their history teacher thought it was a good idea to sit the three together, knowing Mingi and Yunho always caused trouble with Y/n. Maybe he thought that y/n was able to keep the two jokesters grounded, which was a complete lie.

The three made jokes throughout the entire class period, knowing that they were pissing off their teacher. The three giggled as they watch veins poke from his neck as he clenched his jaw.

"Y/n, please refrain from egging those two on. I sat you there in hopes that you could keep them out of trouble. If this is how it will be, then I will gladly separate all three of you."

Y/n blushed darkly at the sudden call out. "Sorry sir." She murmured, sinking in her seat as the class looked at her.

The two males snickered before the lesson continued. After the class ended, she smacked the two boys in the back of their heads, shaking her own. They whined but walked with her anyways, meeting up with Wooyoung and Seonghwa.

"I'm already for lunch. I'm starving!" Y/n complained.

The four boys laughed at you before walking to the cafeteria. After getting their food, they joined their other three friends, Yeosang, Hongjoong, and Jongho. Y/n plopped down beside Jongho, laying her head on his shoulder, in dire need of a hug after the incident in history.

Jongho silently wrapped his arm around her, used to the clinginess that she often got after being scolded. "What did those two idiots get you into now?" He asked her softly.

She groaned softly. "The teacher called me out because those two were making jokes and were making me laugh. He said that if I couldn't keep them under control that he would separate the three of us." She complained.

The group of boys chuckled as they all shook their heads. The group of friends continued to eat their lunch and crack jokes with each other until their next class period started. She frowned as she walked to her next class, feeling alone since her boys didn't have that class with her.

The day passed on slowly as she went to her last class, a wide grin on her face as she realized she got to spend the class period with all of her boys. She skipped over to her seat, Seonghwa and Wooyoung already in their seats next to her. She happily say down before leaving on Wooyoung.

"My parents agreed, by the way. I texted them during last period and asked them." He murmured, leaning his head against hers.

She grinned happily before sneaking her phone out and texting her parents, telling them the good news. She didn't pay attention, knowing that even if she did, it would do her no good. She hummed softly to herself as she played with Wooyoung's left hand, his right hand writing the notes.

The school day eventually ended, Wooyoung promising to write a copy of notes for y/n before they walked to their lockers, putting their books up. The two decided to walk, parting ways once they needed to. They both rushed home, wanting to get ready for the dinner.

A half hour later, the doorbell rang. Y/n grinned widely as she ran to open the door. She happily welcomed them into their house, the two children going to her room. The duo chilled on the bed, watching a movie until her mother called them down.

They made their respective plates, Wooyoung grimacing at the cucumbers on y/n's plate and y/n grimacing at the flounder on Wooyoung's plate. The two families ate together happily, making small conversation. After a while, y/n started to eat her cucumber slices.

Wooyoung gagged slightly. "I swear, if my soul mate continues to eat cucumbers I'm going to throw hands." He complained, catching the attention of y/n.

She looked down at her plate, realizing that she was eating cucumbers. She then looked back up at Wooyoung, catching his eyes. Wooyoung seemed to realize as his eyes widened. To test their theory, Wooyoung ate a piece of his flounder, watching y/n's nose scrunch up in disgust.

The two sat there, processing what that meant before they both burst out laughing. Their parents gave them a confused look before they caught on, gasping in surprise.

"So you're the fucker that keeps eating grape jelly in the morning!" Y/n complained jokingly.

"Y/n!" Her mother exclaimed.

Wooyoung started laughing harder, falling from his seat. "Who would have thought that we would be soulmates!" He exclaimed, the sentence being broken by him laughing and gasping for air.

Y/n rolled her eyes as she laughed as well, getting up to help Wooyoung get out of the floor. Afterwards, everyone finished dinner, y/n and Wooyoung going back to her room to finish their movie marathon.

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