The Pregnancy

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Y/n groaned softly as she started to wake up, feeling sick to her stomach. She rushed into the bathroom before throwing up last night's supper into the toilet. She sat there for a few more minutes until she eventually stood up, moving over to the sink and brushing her teeth. She ran a hand through her hair before leaving the bathroom and getting dressed for the day.

A small smile crossed her lips as she finished getting ready, knowing she would be spending the day with her boyfriend Mingi and his friends. She hummed softly as she grabbed everything she needed before walking out her apartment and locking the doors. She walked the five minutes to their dorm, letting herself in.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Seonghwa asked softly, noticing she looked pale.

The female nodded slightly. "Yeah, I just didn't feel too good this morning. For the past few days I've been waking up sick." She muttered, her nose scrunching up in disgust.

Jongho frowned, hearing the female's words. "Is it your period? I know usually you're on it around this time." He spoke up.

Y/n frowned as she thought about what he said. "Actually... I'm late. I should have started at the beginning of the week.. But maybe I've been too stressed lately and it's throwing off my cycle?" She muttered, her voice raising into a question rather than a statement.

Seonghwa frowned as well. "I'm going to go get you a pregnancy test just to be sure.. Also, Mingi is in his room asleep still if you want to wake him up. Hongjoong and Yunho are making breakfast." He said before grabbing his shoes and keys, walking out the door.

Y/n sighed softly as she thought about her situation. If she was indeed pregnant, how would Mingi take it? He has said before that he wasn't ready to be a father yet and wanted to wait until they were married. She groaned in frustration before feeling a hand rub her back.

"Dont think about it for now. You might not even be pregnant." Jongho murmured softly before pushing the female towards Mingi's room.

She gave him a small smile before nodding, walking into the room. She plopped down on the sleeping male, the latter groaning softly as his eyes started to flutter open.

"Y/n... It's too early. Go back to sleep." He grumbled sleepily, pulling her closer and nuzzling his face into her neck.

She giggled softly before trying to pull away. "Come on princess, Joongie is making us breakfast."

He pouted softly. "Shouldn't I be the one to call you princess?"

She shrugged slightly before getting off him and forcing him to get ready. She smiled softly as she watched him change, admiring her boyfriend's body.

"Keep staring like that and I won't have whatever Hongjoong is fixing for breakfast." He said teasingly, a wide grin forming as he saw y/n's red cheeks.

"We're not having a quickie. Especially not with the boys here."

"Why? It wouldn't be the first time." He retorted, laughing softly.

Y/n groaned softly as she shook her head, walking out the door. She gently touched her cheeks, wincing at the slight burn from her skin. She was about to walk into the kitchen before Seonghwa stopped her. He slipped her two tests, the female hiding them in her front pockets. She gave the older male a grateful smile before walking into the kitchen with him, the others joining a few seconds afterwards.

The group ate their food, laughing and talking loudly. They shared passed memories, specifically embarrassing ones of Mingi, the said male's cheeks as red as his hair. After they were finished, Seonghwa and y/n stayed back to was the dishes. They made small talk, trying to keep away from the topic of pregnancies in case someone else came in.

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