4.0: work face

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( chapter 4: work face )

the brunette akiara immediately went for the hunky blonde, the two younger  friends followed suit. they all got cozy and started talking on the leather couch in the middle of the room. 

leaving kyo and i to our indigo-haired host. he and the blonde matched outfits like earlier. in fact they could blend in with the other staff at the club. 

long-sleeved dress shirt, tucked in. over it was a black vest, paired with slightly outgrown slacks. the ones where your ankles can be visible. topped off with a black ribbon in place of a tie and expensive-looking brown shoes, his appearance was very... host-ly? prince-ly? something like that. 

there were extra chairs at the back of the stage. he dragged them out and we positioned our three chairs in a sort of triangular format. 

his ravenette bangs slightly parted to the right, while the left side was gelled back. his styled hair looked like that one volleyball player from our school. he smiled at us softly, complementing his sharp, squinty eyes. 

"good evening, you two. i'm maki-chan, nice to meet you. i hope i may be at your service tonight." he introduced as he bows in his seat. 

he reaches for my hand, kissing it. he did the same for the glasses-wearing girl next to me. 

"princes aren't really my type, but you're definitely an exception" i said out loud. ok wow, idiot.

he giggles at my statement. "thank you for that, miss l/n. but i really don't see myself as the princely type." he explains. "hand-kissing is a mere formality here, but miri-sama just decides not to do that." he continues. 

"i have to agree, y/n. i see him more as the soft-spoken, cute type." kyo faced me. 

she's right, in a sense. 

as our conversation continued i get more and more attracted to his polite and calm demeanor. not to mention he is extremely cute. his presence and attitude was so wholesome in fact that i forgot he was the same person who accidentally moaned while dancing almost naked in front of us earlier. 

he then looks to the talkative quartet. "i'm amazed he can keep with all of them." he sighs. "the two of us have been working together for a few years now. he has never failed to outshine everyone. he became this club's number one host in just a few months. he was a natural." he elaborated. 

"even in school, he was popular with girls. he didn't need to change from his real face to his work face." he continued. 

he really looks up to him, doesn't he? he almost sounds kinda envious. 

his soft small is still there, but his eyes seemed to have softened as well. 

"anyways enough of him, do you ladies wanna drink?" he changes the topic. it was better off like that anyways, him confessing his envy towards a co-worker was a little too personal for us. "oh yes! i was getting thirsty anyways. let me call the service girl." kyo said, as she rung up hado.

someone knocks on the room's door. the door opens, revealing the periwinkle-haired girl from earlier. she enters the room. she greets kyo as she bows.

"good evening, miss shizumeru. what can i offer you tonight?" she inquired. 

"is champagne good, maki-chan? y/n and i are ok with it!" kyo asked. "anything drinkable is fine with me, thank you for asking." he answers, flashing that cute smile again. 

i suddenly feel all these feelings in my heart. i felt like a ray of sun shining in my face, even though it's just the strip lights. that's their job as a host, and he's doing it very well. i don't get why he feels so envious of miri-sama, he makes women happy and flustered in his own way. 

i feel like... i'm genuinely crushing on him. 

but he's a host. he definitely has had prettier and more charming customers before. hell, hosts aren't even allowed to enter committed relationships unless they quit their job! so much for feeling butterflies in my stomach, i guess.

after a while, miss hado arrives with our drinks. champagne for us and sparkling cider for them. champagne is the only drink i could ever tolerate, and i don't even tolerate it that well. miss hado pours the expensive drink into shot glasses that look even more expensive.

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word count: 729 words 

hey hey heyyy! we just hit 100 reads!!! WOOOOO

anyways you guys enjoy the story so far? i hope you do huhu

so im curious.. im gonna make a tsukkiyamayachi book... would you guys read it? respond please! 

another thing, please point out when i make grammatical errors. cuz i'll correct them!

thanks for reading, voting, and commenting! i appreciate it all! take care guysss, ily!!

- author aki <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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