(Wonyoung) Tell me how to love (4)

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The loud thud of a door closing woke Wonyoung up from her nap. She looked around at the white walls of the room she was in and realized she was in the same room she always visited for the past few days.

She turned towards the direction of the door as a man wearing a white coat walked towards her. She let him take her seat to check up on the the patient in the room, that's what doctors do anyways.

She walked towards the window of the room and open it and let the fresh outdoor breeze hit her and enter the room.

After a short while, she heard the doctor stand up from his seat. She turned around from the windows and walked towards them. "How is he doing, doc?" The doctor looked at her as they were writing something on their clipboard.

"He's doing fine. The wound on his head would heal itself after another week. The only thing he has to work on is learning to walk properly again. After a long time of being stuck in bed and with his legs still injured, he needs to go through physical therapy" The young girl watched and listened intently as the doctor explained his state. And after that, the doctor bid their farewell and exited the room.

Wonyoung sighed in relief as she heard that (YN)'s state was getting better and better but the only thing left on her mind is how would she get his memory back? How would she make him remember her and all their memories with each other.

The room soon became silent as Wonyoung sat back down next to the now wide awake (YN).

"Heard that you're getting better.." Wonyoung tried to strike up a conversation with him. He looked at her and nodded while letting out a yawn.

"Hopefully I'll be out of here here sooner than expected.." He replied as Wonyoung reached out for the remote for the TV attached onto the wall. The doors again could be heard opening then closing.

Wonyoung looked at the person and saw that it was (YN)'s mom and in her arms were a plastic containing food for them. Wonyoung immediately stood up and greeted her and offered her seat.

(YN)'s mom asked her if she could set up the food on the table and she grabbed the plastic from her and set everything up for them. She looked back at them as they conversed.

Thinking that she shouldn't join into their conversation, she went back to the window and she grabbed a flower from the vase on the table.

"I went to your school earlier and your teacher told me that your friends miss you dearly.." (YN)'s mom said as she held his hand softly.

"Mhm. Wonyoung told me many greetings from them.." He replied.

"Speaking of Wonyoung, How is she been treating you?"

"Wonyoung is very nice and very easy to talk to...if I didn't know that we're friends, I would've felt so lucky to be taken care of by a girl like her.." (YN) chuckled as he talked to his mom.

"Looks like I can leave you here with her..work has been really hectic recently so I may not go here because of it.." A ring suddenly started blasting as they talked. She fished out her phone out of her purse and looked at it.

"Speaking of work, They're calling me already.." She stood up from her seat next to him. "Please don't overwork yourself, mom!" He greeted his Mom as she went out of the room after saying her goodbyes.

The room again was silent despite the TV being on. He focused at the tv before laying his eyes upon the girl who was staring out the window. He suddenly got the urge to go to her but he didn't know what lead him to that sudden urge.

He then slowly removed the blanket wrapped around him and sat up from his bed. With no more machines attached to him, he could now freely walk without rolling an IV bag around with him.

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