Chapter |13| Scandalous Attire

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All week I've been avoiding the prince and to some extent it's actually worked

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All week I've been avoiding the prince and to some extent it's actually worked. I made sure to be very careful and never leave my room without either Flo or Rory present. I always make sure to linger back slightly, so that if Hardin turned around the corner, I could quickly run off.

That's only happened once or twice and thankfully each time I was walking with Flo, so she didn't ask any questions but it did earn me some weird looks.

I mean, I'm in this competition to win the Prince's heart and here I am running away from him every chance I get.

Sometimes he comes to my room but like a gentleman he always knocks, alerting me of his presence, so I quickly strip and jump into the shower, or get Flo to say I'm tired or in the bathroom.

He gets points for effort, especially since he's been giving Flo secret notes for me, asking me to meet him in the gardens or the room where we first met. Every single one went back with no response and scrunched up in my bin.

Flo was worried that I was angering Hardin by doing so and tried to convince me to meet up with him but honestly, I couldn't give a shit.
Xander was furious though.

I suspect that Flo told him her concerns regarding me and Hardin. For some insane reason, he believes that it's my chance to swoop in and win his heart but I know that Hardin's just gonna spin me another bullshit story.

There's also another reason why I don't want to be alone with him. I don't trust myself

My dreams have been comprised of Hardin and me in multiple different situations. Me sat beside him, a crown on both our heads. Then there was one where he kissed my hand gently, before swooping me off on a romantic date.

Another where I was back at the Academy and those horrible men stormed in to take me away but Hardin saves me. Then probably the worst of all. One where he was naked.

He was naked and, so was I.

I woke up hot and flustered after that dream, or more like nightmare.

I can't be trapped with him again. It's like all sane thoughts fly out the window and I'm left with nothing but my heart to follow. He makes me feel things I've never felt before, and that scares me.

I don't like the feeling of the unknown, I don't like the uncertainty.

Our first meeting will forever be kept a secret, well on my side at least. I'm sure Hardin is telling anyone can that he tricked a stupid naive girl into thinking he was guard.

I bet they'll all be laughing at me and thinking what kind of idiot doesn't know who the Prince is?

It's killing me, not telling anyone. Even though I consider Rory my friend, I can't forget that she's still my competition and I'm hers. Flo is probably the only person I could tell, but then again, I can't guarantee she won't tell Xander.

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