Chapter |42| The Fight

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I stormed into the room, slamming the door shut behind me, only for it to be opened again

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I stormed into the room, slamming the door shut behind me, only for it to be opened again. Xander and Flicker rushed in, worry plastered on both their faces. They tried to look at me, to gauge my feelings right now but I turned away.

I couldn't see anyone right now.

I was...broken, was a good word, lost maybe?

"Arabella please,"

"Leave." Their faces stilled and Flo stepped forward to hold my hand but I dodged her.

"I said leave. I want to be alone." Xander sighed but complied with my demand. Flo was hesitant, until I gave her a pleading look and then she was gone.

I was alone. Alone and miserable and upset.

Astrid was dead. Her head sliced off clean right in-front of me. That could have been me. It was selfish to think that in the moment but it could have. That could have been my head, my life ended.

A knock rapped on the door. Slowly, I wiped away my tears and laid down on the bed, drowning out all the noise. Another tear fell, and another and another. I felt guilty.

Despite not doing anything, I felt guilty. Astrid's lasts thoughts must have been about me, about how she thought one of her only friends betrayed her. Then there was Oscar.

Poor Oscar. He couldn't come forward or he would have been killed. He couldn't have stopped it or saved her and there's no doubt that he's probably hurting right now.

And he's alone. Without her.

"Arabella, Arabella please open the door." Hardin's voice managed to break through the incessant knocking and a small glimmer of happiness shot through me.

It was quickly diminished by the memory of Astrid's headless body.

I forced myself out of bed and padded over to the door. I cracked it open, just enough to see his face. The pain came flooding back and I made a move to slam it shut, when he stuffed his foot in between the wedge.

"Please, let me in." I know he wasn't just talking about the room.

He meant my head, my heart, my soul. I could give him my room, but the rest would have to wait.

A sigh of relief left his mouth as I opened the door wholly and he stepped inside. He looked even worse than I.

His hair was a disheveled mess, his suit had caught splatters of Astrid's blood, much like my dress, and his eyes were red and puffy. As if he had been crying for her.

For the girl he let be killed. The girl he should have protected. And that caused a rage I had never known before to spike inside me.

"Arabella, I..." The words were cut off by a harsh crack through the air.

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