Chapter |40| Talent

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It was the day of the event, i

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It was the day of the event, i.e. the third elimination. I didn't know how, but yesterday morning I woke up safely tucked into my bed. My robe was gone, leaving me in my pjs, and the window was shut.

The last thing I remembered was falling asleep in Hardin's arms on the roof.

I didn't really see anyone, since I spent all of yesterday cooped up inside my room. Wyatt was someone who I was definitely not ready to face, alongside Astrid.

I would uphold my promise and keep her secret but it just felt so wrong. Not how she' was basically cheating on Hardin, but that I was forced to keep such a secret from him.

I was just glad that I could finally put this whole thing with Wyatt behind us. Hopefully, he would still want to be my friend but I wasn't holding out any hope.

"Rise and shine." The windows were yanked open, causing me to hiss slightly as the bright sun hit my eyes.

"Advisor Xander wanted me to inform you that today's brief will be held in the conference room in exactly half and hour." That woke me up straight away.

"What? The event isn't supposed to happen until tonight." Flo sat the tray of steaming hot food down and then walked over to my closet, no doubt gathering my outfit for today.

"Yes, you're right but apparently the event is something that you have to work on all day. Exciting right?"

Exciting? More like terrifying.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and padded over to my breakfast. I started scoffing down my jam toast, tea and muffin, just as Flo got to work on detangling my hair.

"How in the world did you get this many knots in it?" I snorted.

"I have no freaking clue. I just wake up and it looks like a bird's nest." She sighed, but continued anyway to tug at my hair.

Two huge clumps of hair and a very sore head layer, my hair was tangled free and straightened. It fell all the way down to my lower back, reminding me that although I loved my long hair, a haircut was definitely needed.

There would be no cameras during the brief so I wore a white cropped top, a simple grey hoodie and some tight neck leggings. I slipped on some white trainers, spritzed a little perfume on and was good to go.

I walked down to the conference room, accidentally bumping into Rory on the way. We made our way inside the unusually quiet room. It looked as though we were the last to arrive and the only people here were us girls, our advisors and Flicker.

Very causal, indeed.

I quickly crossed the room and stood by Xander, who I spotted was standing a little too close to Flicker.

I was definitely keeping my eye on them.

"Hope all you girls got a good night sleep for tonight's event and the third elimination. The King has proposed that we get to know you girls a little better, with a good old fashioned talent show. Each of you will have all day to practice your chosen talent and then you will perform it in the event tonight! The viewers will vote for the best competitor, the results will be announced and then the Prince will choose his elimination. So you have until the big show tonight, you have unlimited access to whatever resources you want and have free reign to practice wherever as well. Remember your performance must be amazing and entertaining. We don't want people getting bored. You can ask for whatever costumes you would like, the set, the music, the spotlights. You control your performance. You don't ask, you don't get. Okay so, start getting ready and I'm looking forward to seeing you all tonight."

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