Chapter 1

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Okay more back story. Bruce is a bi poly in this universe meaning he likes to date multiple people. Bruce in the public's eyes is straight and is married to Selina Kyle(Catwoman) but batman is actually married to Catwoman, Superman, Joker, and Wonder woman so there will be parts were you read(see) batman interact with each of his lovers. All his lovers get along but don't actually have deep romantic feelings for eachother. They all have kids, except for Diana.

Tim's POV

It had been about three months since I had started to train with Catwoman. Since then I have been getting better in all aspects of my life.

She even gave me advice on how to spice things up in bed with Jason which turned out great.

No one seemed to notice my constant disappearances, and that was fine by me. I loved training with Catwoman and soon enough after 2 months of training I came back into the world as Catlad/Stray.

Only Alfred knew about this and had promised not to tell anyone unless he had too.

"So what are we doing today, mother?" Tim asked. Both of them were used to the idea of Catwoman as Tim's mother figure.

"Well my little kitten today we will be stealing back a priceless artifact that is an heirloom to a very important family,"a smile played her lips. I chuckled figuring we would just steal, and keep it till they paid for it.

"But," she paused and I looked back up, "we will need help," I stared at her dumbfounded.

"We will need help," she said seriously.

"From who?" I asked

"The bat and the birds."

I stared at her horrified.

'No this cannot happen,'

"What?!" I yelled at her completely losing my cool demeanor. The only reason we managed to keep this a secret this long was the fact that Catlad and Red Robin never went out on the same night and if we did I would ask a friend to cover for me being Catlad but I cant do that now because I'm already in my Catlad suit.

"Oh god this can't be happening," I thought out loud. Putin my head in my hands.

"Come on kitten, did you really think that you would be able to hide this from them forever," She laughed at my optimism.

"Not forever, but I just didn't want them to find out like this," I wispered but Mother heard it.

"Oh kitten," she sighed as she brought me in for a hug and petted my hair.

"Don't worry kitten, I'll be their every step of the way," she promised before backing away and walking towards their exit.

"Come now kitten, we can't leave our litter of bats waiting," she joked as I followed.

It took us about 20 minutes to locate our family of bats, partially because I didn't want to see them,but when we did it seemed the whole family, minus Red Robin, was here.

"Hello Batsy," mother purred as she walked up to the stone cold bat before capturing his lips in a kiss making all of us turn away in digust.

They hadn't noticed me yet since I was hiding but soon enough one of them spotted me.

"Who the hell are you," Cass pointed me out making the rest turn towards me.

I sighed and turned on my Catlad charm before walking out of the shadows a humorous glint in my eyes.

"Hello, sugar," I said winking at her and she glared at me in digust.

"Everyone meet my son Catlad," mother introduced me as I just waved, winked and licked my lips getting multiple reactions from different people.

The girls all looked uninterested.
Bats didn't show emotion.
Mom smirked.
Dick just waved.
Jason didn't show any emotion either.
Damien nodded.
And the rest just waved.

"Your Son?" B asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes my son in other words my 'robin'," Mother replied making all the past robins tense up including myself but I just kept calm.

B just hummed and stayed quiet. The rest eyed me cautiously and I blew them a kiss.

After that akward situation Mom and B lead us to the small mansion we would be stealing from. By that time I also got a text.


'Were are you?'


'Tell Ma I got some great cat nip for her,'

I read my message before callin on Ma.

"Mother," I purred getting her attention.

"What is it kitten?" She asked as she and B walked closer to me. The rest were talking about how to get in.

"Pop wants to know where I'm at and Da say to tell you he got you some great catnip," I tell her not looking up from my phone.

Cat nip was key word for he was robbing a bank that rich people use, so there was bound to be a whole bunch of money. This made Mother smile.

"Oh I'm touched, really, but tell him I already got me some great laughing gass," she chuckled.

"Alright what do I tell Pop?" I questioned as I finished texting Da.

"The truth, that your here with us," B said before Mother could say any thing. I looked to mother for permission. She nodded her head and I typed away.

Laughing Gas was code word for robbing a rich guys house with another section of the family.

After I finished texting Da I got two more text messages that were nearly identical.


I'm coming with Mother'


I'm coming

'Oh boy'

Catlad Tim DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now