Chapter 3

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I decided to make B bi and poly because I just thought it was cool and I didn't really know who to make as his love interests. So I decided to make him poly so I could give him multiple lovers. At first it was just supposed to be Superman and Joker, but then I was like "that's cool for Bats but what about Bruce" as if they were actually different people. Then I was like I sorta ship The Bat with The Cat so I added The Cat the I was like "fuck it" and put in Diana aswell though I don't really see it.

Tim's POV

After making a plan (more like the supers made the plan while we just waited) we went in. Everyone was a sleep so the only hard part was security though me and Mother just flirted our way past them then the high tech security system, which I gladly disabled.

After a few minutes Ma sent me, Mother, Da, and JJ away to go search the other hallways, while the super where outside keeping watch and the bat kids searched for the vault.

I knew she just wanted to get some alone time with Father, but she really seemed to dislike the rest of the family.

"Mother I'm heading out. See you at home?" I questioned as we walked down one hall. They didn't really need me and no one liked me so there was no point in staying.

"Oh kitten," Mother sighed woefully, "alright, you can leave, but be careful, alright, and if you need to you can spend the night at my place, you know that, right?"

"Yes Mother, I know," I smiled softly before kissing her cheek and leaving.

"Be safe Kitten," she called after me, but I just kept heading towards her apartment.

"Finally!" I shouted happily as I entered Mother apartment.

This place was always like a second home for me. It was a place were I could be Tim, Red Robin, or Catlad and not be jugde. Instead I would be celebrated. This place was amazing.

I then went to my room and turned on the radio. It played 'Turn me on' by Kevin Lyttle.

"I love this song!" I said as I started to dance as I stripped out of my Catlad suit.

Singin along I sarted to touch myself as if I was dancing for a John just like my first surrogate mother taught me.

I was so caught up in the misic that I hadn't notice B walk into my room and was now watching as I danced in my laced panties, a trick that my second surrogate mother taught me if I was to ever wear spandex.

Once the song stopped I opened my eyes to see B and the rest of the Birds standing in my doorway.

I stood their shocked. I then immediately ran and slammed the door shut. I started to cry.

My sanctuary, gone.
My happiness, gone.
Catlad, gone.

This wasn't how this was supposed to happen. It was supposed to happen gradually. They were supposed to gradually become comfortable with Catlad. Then one by one I was supposed to tell them.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. All at once. I knew that none of them even liked Catlad. Now what am I supposed to do.

After a few minutes I heard a knock on my door.

"Tim," it was Bruce, "Tim, come out, we need to talk,"

"Why?" I sobbed, "so you can tell me I can't be Catlad anymore? Well, no thanks,"

"Timmy," now it was Mother calling for me, "they are not here to ridicule you. They just wanna talk," her voice was soft and sweet, like a mother's voice should be.

"How do you know that mom? How do you know that the moment I step out of this room they are not just going to drag me back to the manor and forbid me from being the one thing that makes me feel alive!" I scream out pounding my fist on the door like a baby.

"Because I won't let that happen," she said after I had calmed down.

"What?" I questioned, confused.

"You really think that I'm going to let these Bats take away my favorite kitty?" I chuckled at the nickname.

"Even if one of them give me world blowing sex," she paused obviously thinking of Bruce, "I would still choose you over sex any day and don't you forget it," she chuckled quietly.

I sighed and got up. I put on some short and a top just to look decent before opening my door.

"Fine," I sighed smiling softly at my mom, so long as you know what your giving up I'll talk,"

"Oh I know what I'm giving up but I also know what I'm gaining," she returned my smile and started walking down the hall.

"And what is that?" I asked.

"A son," I smiled and laughed.

"You've had one of those since the beginning," now it was her turn to laugh.

"And now I'm gonna fight like hell to keep him,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2020 ⏰

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