Chapter 14-Damien

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"Wow you're wearing a button-down," Maya smirked as she watched me finish buttoning my shirt for dinner at Gianna's house.  "This must be serious."

"Shut up, I already feel ridiculous."  I shook my head before looking at myself again in the mirror.  "I hate wearing stuff like this. I look like an idiot."

"I think you look handsome," Aunt Ruby smiled as she came downstairs.  "Please don't tell me this is for that Lacey girl.  I'm sorry but you can do so much better than her."

I laughed at her honesty.  "No Aunt Ruby it's not Lacey.  You've actually already met her."

"Remember my friend, Gianna?" Maya questioned her.  "Turns out Damien has a thing for her."

"Information that I'm sure came up after her sleepover with Maya," Aunt Ruby raised an eyebrow in suspicion. Crap, I forgot that happened.

"Of course."  When she didn't look convinced, I let out a breath.  "I swear, there was no funny business.  She stayed with Maya the whole night while I stayed down here."

When she looked at Maya for confirmation, Maya quickly nodded in agreement. Satisfied with our responses, Aunt Ruby looked back at me. "Well I hope you plan on bringing her over so we can meet her as your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Uncle John asked coming downstairs.  "Who has a girlfriend?"

Ugh this was exactly what I was trying to avoid.  "Why does everyone have to act all surprised that I'm seeing someone?  I've had girlfriends, you know."

"You've had fast little girls that I've had to chase out of here," Aunt Ruby remarked and looked at Uncle John.  "Damien's dating Maya's friend."

He raised his eyebrows in shock.  "The one that stayed the night?  I like her better than that girl, Lacey.  At least she doesn't look like she belongs in the strip club."

"John," Aunt Ruby reprimanded as we laughed.

I shook my head at them.  "Yeah well let's just hope that her brother will let her continue seeing me after tonight. This dinner has to be perfect."

"Hey, you know that you're doing better," Uncle John assured me.  "You're on the right path. Don't let him make you feel otherwise."

I smiled gratefully and finished getting ready before leaving out.  I tried to remember Monty and Uncle John's words as I rode my motorcycle over to Gianna's place.  I could've borrowed Maya's car but I figured it would be best for Gianna's brother to get to know all of me instead of some fake image. I didn't want to have to change myself every time I went over to her house. Plus, I was already wearing a button-down shirt to dinner, that should be enough.

Gianna opened the door a minute after I rang the doorbell, clearly happy to see me. "Hey, thank you so much for doing this."

"Of course beautiful," I smiled back at her. Seeing her calmed any final nerves I had about tonight. This girl in front of me was worth it. "How do you think he'll like my bike?"

"Honestly, who cares?  Come on."  She pulled me inside and walked me to the living room where Ms. Alexander was sitting.  "Damien you know her as Ms. Alexander but this is my brother's girlfriend, Vanessa.  Vanessa this is Damien."

Vanessa smiled and shook my hand.  "Nice to see you, Damien."

"You as well," I nodded to her.

Gianna's brother walked in and looked at me.  "Hello Damien.  I'm Jacob, Gianna's brother.  Nice to finally meet you."

"You too," I replied as I shook his hand. I was grateful that he couldn't see any of my tattoos because of the button-down. It seemed like he was already looking for a reason to disapprove of me.

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