02 | Kill my loneliness.

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The little group finally arrived in Osaka. It wasn't a peaceful trip since Dazai was there. Chûya and him fights for every little things, like the seat in the plane, Dazai flirting with the flight attendant, Dazai saying that Chûya is small even when he was sitting and so on. Hopefully, Atsushi and Akutagawa were rather calm even if they were next to the other. Surely because they didn't speak. But even though there wasn't any word, Akutagawa's aura was so intense that Atsushi could feel how much he wanted to go far away from him.

" Woa~ Osaka the famous city of mafias ~!", exclaimed Dazai looking everywhere.

" Oi ! Stupid Dazai ! Come on or we leave you there", said Chûya annoyed hands in his pockets.

The four men split in two. A member of the ADA with a mafioso. But for everyone's sake, they didn't let people who hates each other together.
Chûya and Atsushi had to investigate with normal people while Dazai and Akutagawa had to pay a visit to the local gangs.

"Thanks for your your time Mister", said Atsushi bowing.

Atsushi didn't count it but they surely stopped a thousand people to demand informations. Unlike Chûya, he was really tired.

Where does he hide all this energy in this small body, thought Atsushi. Dazai didn't want to answer me and Akutagawa wasn't really clear. Maybe if I ask him...

" Hum..", Atsushi hesitated because he didn't knew how to call him.

" What do you want?", asked Chûya. " Come on we don't have time to lose !", he said walking in front of the man with cheap clothes.

" C...Can you tell me more about Mochizuki Jun ?", he asked trembling.

Suddenly the man with a hat stopped and said coldly" It's none of your business".

" But I just wondered how she disappeared if she was as powerful as Akutagawa said...", said Atsushi looking down.

" I ", he stopped and frowned. The poor man looked hurt because the day of his disappearance was something still sensible for him.

Indeed, he couldn't forgive himself to let someone took away the dearest person of his life. If only he was there. If only he had protected her. Even if he was looking for her everyday, he didn't find anything. He didn't want to believe she could be dead. His precious sister.


At 8 years old, Chûya didn't remember something from the past. The only thing he knew was that he was alone.

Sometimes he dreamed about a dark place, everything was black. There was nothing except the notes from a piano. But everytime he tried to get closer, he woke up in reality feeling like he missed something.

But a night something was different. In his dream he finally get closer to where the notes were coming from. He found a white light and a piano.
Then he heard a voice in his head which said " the Happy days Orphanage ".

He suddenly woke up with a start. He didn't lost time and search for an orphanage called the Happy days. It was a bit far from where he lived but he didn't care. He absolutely had to know why he had to go there.

However once he arrived, the boy couldn't simply walk in the place. What a 9 years old child would do there? Then, he forced someone to go there for him. It was an aristocrat who was just scared of Chûya's power so he did everything he wanted.

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