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" Ms Debby" An officer walks into her office with Patrick and Vee "Here's Patrick as you requested "
" Thank you" Debby replies " You may leave now" The guard walks out leaving her in the room with Patrick and Vee
" I see you brought a friend" Debby looks at them both
" Well I wasn't exactly told why I was summoned by the towns chief of police, I was literally dragged put of school " Patrick says " If anything happens to me, I figured someone should at least tell my story"
" Smart kid, but who's to say that I won't simply get rid of you both if I wanted to" Debby takes a sip out of the cup of coffee beside her
" I guess you'll just have to wait and see" Vee replied
" Well then, we're both in luck as I have no wishes of getting rid of you.. Your friend Jeff has asked to see you, that he'll talk to only you"
" So I'm needed here to talk to him and get information out of him?" Patrick asks
" Precisely" Debby replies
" And why exactly will I help you" Patrick asks and the question stuns both Vee and Debby
" Excuse me" Debby moves slightly in her seat
" We know what you guys do here, silencing the press, paying off witnesses and for what, the perfect murder..... I'm sorry, but I can't help, I won't " Patrick turns to leave with Vee
" That's where your wrong, you see you don't have a choice here " Debby says " Either you ask him and find out what he knows and maybe we wouldn't have to silence him, permanently"
" Are you blackmailing him right now" Vee said
" Call it business and dealing " Debby leans comfortably on her chair looking at their faces
" Your a crazy bitch you know that right, everyone here's crazy" Vee says and Debby chuckles
" So what's it gonna be?" Debby asks
" Where's Jeff?" Patrick asks
" Wise decision... Gerald here will lead you to him" Gerald walks into the office and after several glares from Vee and Patrick to Debby they leave with Gerald
" Your Austin's cousin right?" Vee asks
" I am. Who are you two?" Gerald asks
" Friends of Austin's" Patrick replies
" In that case" Gerald leans closer to them and whispers " Don't listen to anything Debby says, don't listen to anything any of them are saying"
" What, why?" Vee asks
" I over heard her conversation with some guy before he handed some dollar bills to her" Gerald continues " She has orders to kill you friend whether he talks or not. What I'm trying to say is your friend is as good as dead"
Trevor pulls his car over in a hotel's parking lot and they all come out. Trevor moves to the trunk and carries out two boxes. They walk into the hotel and they walk over to the receptionist as some bus boys take the luggage from Trevor
" Good day" Maggie says to the receptionist and after she responds back, Maggie continues " We'll like three rooms please "
" Very well, what are your names, let's check for your reservations " The receptionist asks
" We actually didn't make reservations. But we'll be here for just a day, surely you can squeeze in some rooms for us" Maggie tries to strike a deal with the receptionist while Max and Trevor are distracted gazing around
" I can't get you three free rooms right now, most rooms are already booked " The receptionist says
" We'll just take whatever you've got, we're rather desperate " Maggie said
" OK then" The receptionist brings out a card from the drawer " Room B13"
" Thank you" Maggie takes the card and they leave the reception area
" So exactly which city has just one hotel at display for tourists" Trevor says
" It doesn't matter now, it's only for a day" Max says " We settle in and we go meet Steve in jail"
Back at the reception area, the receptionist makes a call
" Yes please, I'll like to talk to Mr J. Tell him its the receptionist at his hotel in Brooklyn" She says looking at Maggie, Max and Trevor as they walk out " Tell him its urgent"
Maggie opens the door to their room and they walk in, the bus boy drops their luggage before they walk out
" It's got two beds, that's something " Maggie takes a sit on one of the beds
" I guess we finally get to share a bed and well, spend the night together " Trevor sits beside her with a smile on his face as he wraps his hands round her shoulders
" Yeah, not gonna happen " Max chimes in " Your with me Trevor, Maggie gets the bed to herself"
" Dude! Way to ruin my plans" Trevor withdraws his hands from her shoulders
" I'm sorry but that won't happen while I'm here" Max says " Uhh, I can't even imagine" Max continued and Maggie laughs at the statement
Max sits on the other bed and places his laptop on his laps and starts browsing
" What are you doing already Max?" Maggie asks
" Researching on Steve Jackson, any relations or loved ones, his crimes, anything we need to know before meeting him" Max replies and Maggie leaves her bed to his
" Did you figure out if there's a blood connection between Maggie and this Steve guy?" Trevor asks
" I believe I just did " Max says and Trevor takes a sit beside him too " Steve Jackson's biography by Henry Miller, his best friend..."
" Says he was born in 1980 in a small town in New York, parents, Donald and Sarah Jackson, both dead " Trevor reads
" Yeah, keep going" Max said
" He's the first born son, he has three siblings and he's a twin... Steve and Dave Jackson, the Jackson twins " Trevor continues
" And the last daughter, Sarah Jackson " Max says " In other words "
" My mom" Maggie said
" Okay, suddenly only one hotel in this city isn't so weird anymore" Trevor says
" It should be, the hotel is owned by Steve's twin, Dave Jackson" Max said
Frank waves at Manuel just before Manuel enters his house. Frank turns to leave when his phone rings, an unknown number.... He picks it
" Hello" Frank said to the unknown caller, awaiting a reply. After a brief moment of silence the caller with an odd coarse voice replies " Check your inbox"
Frank's phone chimes as he gets a message, checking it he sees another picture of him and Scott in the woods but this time it isn't their back showing, but their faces as they carry the girls body dumping it in the hole, on seeing it he returns back to the call
" What's this, who are you?" Frank asks
" See you at the Party Frank " The call ends at the sound of a beep
" Simon" His mom calls out as she knocks on the door " You've got some friends from school looking for you, I'm letting them in"
After she says that she opens the door and K.C and Nelly walk in. They see Simon lying face flat on his laptop asleep with his room all messy and untouched meals on the table beside him
" Simon..... its Nelly" She says tapping him " I brought you burgers "
" Step aside" K.C moves closer to Simon and searches him
" What are you doing?" Nelly asks
" Checking if he has his phone or anything important on him" K.C brings out Simon's phone from his jacket
" Ohhk.... Why are you doing that?" She asks
" You'll see" K.C moves to his bathroom and comes out with a bucket, he removes the laptop from under Simon " Since tapping him isn't working, this might" He picks up the bucket and puts it over Simon and let's the water rain down on him
As the water touches him he jerks up from his sleep and falls back with his chair
" What just happened?" Simon asks noticing the smile on their faces then they help him up and sits him down
" Okay, I've got to ask, what seriously died in here " She sniffs " Yeah, something definitely died in here, that smell ain't normal"
" That smell would be me" Simon says " I don't remember the last time I showered, I've been occupied"
" With what men, why haven't you been in school? " K.C asks
" I've been trying to crack this case, all the bodies dropping is making me crazy" Simon says " I was hacked by our mystery killers weeks back and ever since then I've been trying to hack them back and get something, anything "
" But?" K.C asks
" But nothing, it's like they blocked me ten times over, like firewalls upon firewalls" Simon replies " Hacking has always been my thing, I even once hacked Spain's presidents account"
" Dude, that was you" K.C says " It was everywhere on the news "
" Yeah and I made it so they never tracked me" Simon said
" And it worked? " K.C asks
" Well they haven't found me, so yeah it did " He replies
" How did you do that?" Nelly asks
" It wasn't easy, it took years of practice but" Simon pauses and continues " Of course, why didn't I think of this sooner... That's probably what's happening now"
" You think you can hack your hacker now?" Nelly asks
" If I'm correct then yes, I can" He replies
" Good, before then, go take a shower then you get the Burger " Nelly says " Shower first, eat later"
" Geez, okay mom" Simon gets out of bed and K.C's phone rings.
" Got to take this" K.C moves to a corner of the room
" Is this K.C" The caller asks
" Yeah, who's asking" K.C asks
" Oh yeah,sorry. Its Gerald, Austin's cousin"
" Oh oh, Gerald...... What's popping" K.C says
" Nothing much, I tried calling Austin but no answer" Gerald says
" What's wrong?" K.C asks
" You said to call if I find anything about the person paying for the officers silence" Gerald said
" Did you?" K.C asks
" I did" Gerald replies " Someone named Dave Jackson".

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