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Stella's POV:

"Stella, what was going through your mind the first time you took more than your appropriate dosage?"

I sit slumped back in a cushioned brown chair across from my therapist, who is sitting behind a long, white desk.

I exhale deeply before replying. "I guess I was so desperate for it to work quicker. I was getting tired one one not working, and two seemed like it would work better. I don't know, I wasn't thinking."

"Stella, yes you were. You were thinking. Did you just want faster relief?"

I nod. "I just want to be better."

"Stella, this process takes time. You won't be completely normal over the course of a week. This could take months, and I need to know that you are in it for the long run."

Before I can answer, my phone buzzes in my pocket. "Excuse me."

I reach into my pocket and pull out my phone, the screen lighting up due to a text from Garcia.

Garcia: We have a case. Get here as soon as possible.

I shut off my phone and look up at my therapist. "I have to go, I have a case and it's urgent. We can resume when I get back?"

My therapist let's out a sigh, and tucks a brown baby hair behind her ear. "I suppose. Please take your correct dosage Stella, I'll see you soon."

I crack a smile. "Thank you." I grab my brown handbag from the floor beside my chair, and stand up, smoothing out my navy skirt. I exhale and turn towards the glass door, twisting the handle and stepping out into the chilly hallway on the second floor of Quantico's FBI headquarters.

I click the 'up' button on the elevator and the doors almost instantly open. In that elevator is Derek Morgan.

Ever since the night I spent at his house, things have been just a tad awkward between us. We don't hesitate to talk if it's about work, but outside of work, not a lot of talking goes on. I think we just silently agreed to not bring it up.

I step into the elevator and stare straight ahead as the doors shut.

"Stella." he mumbles, also staring directly ahead.

"Derek." I respond, my eyes not budging from a smudge on the wall.

After a couple of seconds, he finally breaks the silence. "Stella, we don't have to make this awkward. Nothing happened."

I turn to him, my eyes meeting his. "Exactly, nothing happened. I don't know why we are being awkward, do you?" I answer, the corners of my mouth twitching into a small smile.

"Nope, I guess I don't know the answer to that either. Anyway, do you know what the case is about?" He asks, not breaking eye contact.

I finally look away at the sound of my phone buzzing, which is another urgent text from Garcia to hurry up. "Nope, no idea. Just that we had to get here ASAP."

"Hmph." He mumbles, and we hear the elevator ding and the doors opening.

I watch as everyone moves quickly around the bullpen, papers and files stacked miles high on many desks. Spencer and Garcia rushing to the conference room.

I pick up speed towards the conference room, and I can already feel that this case isn't going to be pretty.


I take my normal seat at the table in-between Spencer and Morgan, and turn to Garcia as she begins the presentation of the case.

"Georgia. The Kyles Dennis and Lacy were murdered an hour ago in their suburban Atlanta home."

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