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Harley had loved Ivy for such a long time.

For months she'd gazed upon her beautiful green unflawed skin, straight nose and elegant elongated eyes, and she had felt the churning of butterflies in her insides. It was unlike any feeling she'd ever experienced, unlike the sensations she'd felt when looking at her crushes in school, unlike the fluttering of warmth she had felt looking at her poster of Frankie Muniz in her childhood room. Not even comparable to how she had felt with her puddin'.

That was difficult to say. Ivy was a large personality just like Mr J, but she was stable to say the least. Maybe her attraction was so strong because unlike with Mr J, she could see them settling down in a little cottage in South America, cut off from the rest of the world, but most importantly away from Gotham City. That was one of puddin's problems - he would never leave this city, and as far as he denied it, he would be broken without the Batman.

She'd imagined Ivy and herself in said cottage, the locations changed. They'd be a few years old, completely in love, completely in bliss, and their pasts of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy supercriminal and ecoterrorist, would be just that: a thing of the past. She'd still wear her black and red, but maybe she'd stick to regular clothes; the bleached white skin meant she'd never actually look normal and she preferred it that way. No one would come to visit them anyway. People were typical and annoying.

Getting locked up in Arkham on her own had given her more than enough time to cry over this façade, tormented by her own thoughts of stupidity and self hatred.

Did you really think that someone like Ivy would ever settle down with a clown like you? She'd thought as tears rolled down her cheeks. You're no better than someone to fool around with and dump behind.

"It's not true, it's not true." she'd whined, burying her head in her hands and trying to stifle her sobs. Her fellow inmates must think her so pathetic for crying over such things.

But she couldn't push it from her mind, and couldn't deny her idea of being someone to fool around with but never marry was true. Joker had once been her everything, she'd left everything for him: her sanity, her work, her natural skin colour. Never had he proposed to her, or asked her about having children, never about moving away and starting again, just the two of them. She'd thought that he didn't have it in him at all, not a drop, albeit here he was now - settled down with a girlfriend and her two children without a single thought of murdering them. The girlfriend hadn't suffered any abuse and he was even thinking of marrying her.

Harley was the one that got abused, thrown to Batman and left to rot in Arkham. She wasn't good enough for him to marry.

And then there was Ivy. The woman had began dating Kiteman months ago, and that had been when Harley realised her feelings for her. Perhaps it had been spurred on because Harley always wanted the things she couldn't have, and so Ivy being engaged provided some challenge for that sick side of her. Maybe that was how they had ended up in bed together multiple times at the honeymoon, or kissed in that moment she was really trying to forget. Harley had had drunken affairs with people before, she'd had one night stands and it had felt like so much more, possibly because of the person she was doing it with. But even when she'd offered Ivy the choice to settle down with her after how legitimate the affair had felt, she had been turned down.

So Harley once again became the secret lover who was cast aside for something greater. It was selfish of her to expect anymore really, and yet it was tearing her up to think of Ivy walking that isle with the man that now wanted Harley to drop dead.

In the most rational choice she'd ever made, she'd gotten herself locked up in Arkham to force herself away. And yet not even a day later she was springing out of the place with Two Face, rushing to the wedding to save Ivy after a tip off that Commissioner Gordon and the GCPD were going to raid it for some obscene plot of justice.

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