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A/N: First and foremost I want to celebrate 100 reads. I'm very excited and grateful to all of you. I never expected this to happen and I still feel a bit insecure about my book but all your reads, votes and comments motivate me so thank you loads ❤️. Now for chapter five...

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The ride to the airport was faster than any other I have taken as now I was about to board the plane. I looked at Cole and his face was gloomy.

'C'mere' I motioned to him and he rushed into my arms.
'I'll miss you so much sis'

'Hmm, I pulled him from me gently to get a good view of him, I thought you wanted me to go'. He made a low groan and went back into my chest and I blinked back my tears.

'I love you so much. Take care of yourself, okay?' I mumbled, pressing a kiss on his forehead.

'Okay' He whispered fiercely and stood straight. I looked at her standing afar, watching us intently.

'You aren't saying goodbye?' I watched as Cole followed my eyes, resting on Samantha.

Yes, Samantha. I just couldn't bring myself to call her mom, not now or ever again.

'No I'm not and yeah, my flight is due. I have to go now' I avoid his question and adjust my bag straps on my shoulder. He sighed and shook his head.

'Hey, it will all be fine' I massage his shoulders playfully trying to soothe him.
'So I guess it's time' he whispered and my heart broke all over again. I dragged him back to my chest engulfing him in the tightest hug possible.

'I think that's enough for Cole. I should get a turn'
I laughed and turned to Gaby. 'Yes yes it's your turn'. She pulled me into a bear hug and I knew I would miss her and Cole the entire days of my life in that dungeon she was sending me to.

After many hugs and tons of goodbyes, I was finally on the plane off to Whittmore and as I laid back into the soft cushions on my seat, I thought of my past flights with my dad and how we would stare at the beautiful world through the window but right now I don't feel so inspired at all instead I feel empty.

I sat on Jael's bed and looked around her room. Everything was properly arranged and placed neatly as if no one would come here for a while but she didn't know that whenever she went on a vacation with dad, I always stayed here anytime I was feeling down or waiting for her to get back home. I love my sister, I consider her my larger than life person and no matter what I will always continue to adore her. I settled back down holding her favorite teddy. I wondered what she was doing now, had she even arrived at school.

Grabbing my phone, I clicked her name and she picked up almost immediately.
'Hi' My voice came out rushed, desperate and I tried to calm down because I knew the only reason she agreed was because of me and if I sound like that, she might just get on the next flight available and come back here.

'Cole, is everything okay?'


'Yeah yes, everything is fine. I was just worried'
'Oh don't worry I'm fine. I'm on my way to school now so you don't need to worry'
'Ahh' Relief flooded through me, she's fine.

Nothing is wrong.

'Alright then. I will call back later' I said much calmer than before.
'Okay dear' she said and the line went dead.
I took off my shoes and snuggled down covering myself with the blanket. Surely mom won't mind if I took a nap here but most importantly Jael is fine. My thoughts traveled on leading me to a world above with only peace and love.

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