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In the darkenss of the night, We sat on the pavement in front of my door and talked because the power had gone out again at the time.

We talked deeply, He wanted to know everything. He made me promise i wouldn't go back to the town over to see David again or invite him over and I assured him sincerely that David and I were done.

Couple of hours later, power was restored and we made our way to the kitchen to make food because we both were starved.

We managed to cook something and kept on discussing. After our meal, i was washing up dishes when he asked; "so who's the mujer between you two?"

"The what?" I was now confused, he needed to start teaching me Spanish if he wanted me to keep up with his little remarks and comments.

"Mujer, fundo, the receiver," he explained. "It's you right?" He said in a mocking tone. I was currently all shades of red, blushing like a school girl as I told him.

"What was David Anyways?.... if he was the man between you two, then why did he want me to fuck him?" He asked as he came beside me leaning his back in his kitchen sink.

Hand folded, he kept starring at me as if he was studying me, I began to explain roles and all that. "So your Virilidad is for fancy?" He asked honestly but with fine sarcasm pointing towards my dick.

One thing with Monday was that he was naturally sarcastic and had an amazing humour. I splashed water on his face and we went into a struggle as he tried splashing water back at me from the sink.

We fell on the floor while struggling and he rolled on top of me, pining my hand down above my head, he looked into my eyes and smiled, kissing the tip of my nose.

He softly said and sincerely, "I want you to use your dick, you're a man." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. Apparently he found it amusing anytime I did that.

"I'll use my dick on you right?" I asked mimicking his manner of speech and voice tone.

Spreading his very large sand paper like palms on my face, he said, "you wish!"

I am a total bottom and the thought of me being on top of someone else irks me to high heavens. I strongly believe that bottoms are bottoms because they pay attention toon to hygiene and douche properly, something that tops won't naturally have the patience for.

I felt his cock on mine and I began growing instantly. He looked at me with a knowing smile and pressed his hips on mine. "I know you want me to fuck you......aye?" He cooed as he grinder his hips on mine.

Men!....this guy was everything sexy to the letter.

He kept Grinding his dick on mine and i begged him to stop because i could feel my precum wet my trousers and anytime form now, i could burst if he kept on frotting me. He seemed to have read my thoughts because he had a grin on his face and continued but this time with good rythm.

I began to moan and struggle.

"stoooooppppp... aaaahh haaaaa," i gasped as i felt the hotness of my cum on my thighs. I was so embarrassed to look him in the eye.

"Naughty boy.... you have a really nice release face...it's cute," he teased.

He helped me up, sending me to my room to go clean up.

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