Speak now or forever hold your peace

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"You should tell him before his wedding." Rosalie sipped her wine.

"I shouldn't even been at his fiancé's bachelorette party." I rolled my eyes.

"Probably not. God she would hate you."

"She's only with him for wrong reasons."

"Well you already tried to tell him that and he said you were being protective."

"I know." I sighed.

"Why don't you just call him Bella. You know he doesn't drink. And they are just out golfing, so just call him and ask to talk."

"And leave this?"

"Oh boo who."

Rosalie is my bestfriend, and Edwards brother, Emmett's wife.

"I think he loves you too."

I snorted, loudly and embarrassingly.

"I'm not kidding. I see how he looks at you. And he's always hugging you and kissing your cheek, and calling you 'gorgeous' with that stupid little smirk that he only gives you" she emphasizes and I sigh shaking my head.

"Don't get my hopes up." I rolled my eyes

"Don't be that bitch that tells him on his wedding day. Or after." She rolled her eyes back at me.

"Fine." I slammed the wine glass on the bar and picked up my phone.

"Yes!" She squealed.

"Hey girls? What are you doing?" Kate, Tanya's sister walked up.

"Oh nothing. Bella is finally gonna tell someone she loves them."

I smacked her arm hard.

"Oooh is it that attractive tan native man that was at the wedding party?"

"Yep." Rose nodded, "he's cute right? I told her she should tell him."

"Well he is...taken." I rolled my eyes.

"So?" Kate rolled her eyes, "I think they could be married, and it wouldn't matter, if you have feelings they deserve to know. I wouldn't have my Garrett if it weren't for my honesty before he almost got engaged to that whore Vicki."

I rose an eye brow at her, "point is, love is love. And if there is another person that loves that man, maybe the one he is with, just isn't right." She sipped her wine.

I bit my lip. Staring at my phone.



"I'll see you tonight!" I shouted, running out of the bar.

I flagged down a taxi, which is a lot harder to do in New York than movies let on to be.

I gave the cabbie the address and I called him.

It rang and rang and rang and he didn't pick up.

I tried again. And then again.

"Bellarina! You are suppose to be drinking!" Emmett's voice boomed.

I was feeling super emotional, and burst into tears, "can I talk to edward please?"

"We're not suppose to let him call you and get out of this!"

"Please?" I cried a little.

"Are you okay Bella?"

"Emmett." I stressed.

"Okay okay, hang on."

There was some shuffling, and just as I pulled up to the hotel, Edward picked up.

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