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Hello, everyone!

So, this book is basically just me contemplating life or just having completely random thoughts that I find interesting and wanna discuss with you. The things I'll discuss here can be about various topics. One day I'll be talking about a video game, another day I'd be talking about a movie and even thoughts about daily life and philosophy. It really depends on my mood, haha.

Feel free to join me and think alongside me about these, random, out of the blue, thoughts lmao. If you also have any topics you wanna discuss with me or have any questions you wanna ask me, please don't hesitate to do so, no matter how private or embarrassing they may be. I really don't mind at all. I'd be more than happy to answer and discuss them with you!

Also, do leave your thoughts in the comments! I'd love to see your point of view on things :)

Well, that's all I have to say. Have fun exploring my strange thoughts!

~ Misaki.

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