Double the trouble?

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Hannah Pov

The bell rang I'm with my friends I'm writing something down on my diary until someone tap me on my shoulder I close it and put it in my backpack I see them running to Mr. Kaplan

Oh no what happened?

" Mr. Kaplan... Can we give you a hand?" Billy ask him as he neal down

" you sox, detention now!" Mr. Kaplan said pointing at us


" what?" Kim ask confuse

" huh?" Billy ask

" we didn't even do anything" I said also confuse the rest nods in agreement

" yes you did" Mr. Kaplan answer


" b-" I started to say

" can it Mrs. Grace now!" Mr. Kaplan said pointing to a room I sigh in anyoned


We walk into the detention room I'm next to Billy and Kim

" now... You all know why you're here " Mr. Kaplan said to all of us I shake mu head no


Then Skull make this weird raspberry sound with his lips we all look at him confuse and anyoned

" your drinking fountain prank was the height of delinquency" Mr. Kaplan explain we all look at each other confuse

I was in class

" but Mr. Kaplan-" Jason started to say

" silence!" Mr. Kaplan shh him

He's right

" no need to be rude sir but-" I started to say also but he go close to me I lean back a little

" I said silence" Mr. Kaplan said I gulp a little he then go back to his standing spot

I hate this!

" now you're to remain in your seats for the duration of the day I have a meeting to attend..." Mr. Kaplan said looking at his watch

" hey Mr. Kaplan" Bulk started to say we all look at him

" go to your meeting I know the routine I'll fill them in" Bulk said we just look back at Mr. Kaplan

" all right but I'll be back to check on ur shortly" Mr. Kaplan said then leave with closing the door I put my head down on the desk and groam in anyoned


" thought he's never leave" I hear Skull said I turn to them

" hey you get out of my chair" Bulk said to Jason as they walk to him we all look at them

" do I see your name on it?" Jason ask anyoned I smile at that

" yeah..." Bulk said moving Jason's boon and I see his name on it


" see? B-U-U-L-K" Bulk said pointing at it

No wonder he's still in school

" it's not even spelled right" Trini said


" that explains why they're here longer then they use to" I added Trini and Kim give me a high five I do one back Jason move Bulk glare at me I just roll my eyes anyoned

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