Storybook Rangers Part 2!

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( same outfits as part 2! Hope you enjoy!)

London Pov

Me and the others still looking at the viewing globe

" this will teach you to trespass into my valley, get ready for the big chill" the ugly creature said to our friends

Oh no

I think or we see Rocky pushes Hannah to the front because she have other powers

" oh hell to the no Rocky if you want to get him you do it yourself" Hannah said pushing him close to the creature they keep pushing each other in front

They're acting like kids

" man... Wonder if they're okay" Adam said walking somewhere we look at him

Me too

" it's impossible to tell from here" I said to the boys

" look, we can't give up, we've got to find the book and figure out a way to get into it" Aisha said looking at us three


" Zordon, can you tell us where it is?" Adam ask hom we all look up at him

" I've just located the book, it's among all the others back at the book fair" Zordon explain


" Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! That could take hours to find!" Alpha said I look at him

He's right about that

" and who knows what Rita and Zedd will do by then" I added they all look at me we then hear screaming we turn to the viewing globe I think we see Rocky hiding behind Hannah she seems scared to death

" we gotta go now" I said to them they nod in agreement we then head to the book fair we stared to look

It looks like a kids book so I'll just look there

" we've got to hurry that book is here somewhere" Aisha said as I'm next to her

She's right

" well... We don't even have a clue what the title is" I said looking at her

" and what are we looking for" Adam added as the boys come to us

" we just need to keep our eyes peeled, let's keep looking, okay?" Billy ask us I nod to understand we keep searching

I really hope Rocky doesn't hurt Hannah or I'll hurt him!

Hannah Pov

We're hiding in a cave right now Rocky over here kept pushing me in front of that ugly creature! I'm now breathing heavily but in relief

Well a little I just hope the others found out where we are I hope they're safe

" you guys, okay?" Tommy ask us I shake no

" yean, are you two okay, Rocky, Hannah?" Kim ask us I look at her


" no! This guy over here kept pushing me in front of that thing!" I answer as I tip my head to Rocky he give me a look I just roll my eyes anyone

I'll hurt him soon!

" anyway, yeah but how are we going to get out of here?" Rocky answer

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