Opposite Attract

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( before I get into this I tried and I really tried to fit myself in the other episodes but it didn't work but part 2 of White Light I can but part 1 I can't and I'm sure you guys want both of the parts so yeah here's opposite attract!)

Hannah Pov

Okay so what happened days and days ago is Tommy lost his green ranger powers but Zordon and Alpha decided to make another ranger we didn't know it was Tommy but when we first saw him he was wearing a white power ranger suit his sword name Samba and also Perry is visiting for a couple of months then go back to bionic accidmy so yeah anyways I'm getting ready to do my job at the Youth Center then my door swings open I turn to it

Oh no

" hey torp where are you going?" Perry ask me as she's still in front of the door I put my backpack on one of my shoulders

" doing my job maybe you should have one so you don't have to die in the streets" I shot back

" watch what you say I can make you're life horrible" Perry said pointing at me

Not really

" not if I can make Douglas go on a date with you" I said smirking at her she just froze there

Yep still in love with him

" here's $40 just don't bother me today" I said giving her the money as I walk to her and go to the Youth Center I walk in I look around

" hey guys" I said to billy and Trini

" hey Hannah oh and um who was that old lady from few days ago?" Trini ask me as I sit between them

Oh right

I sigh

" that is my horrible teacher from before her name is Terry Perry Bree told me she made our lifes horrible one time so I hate her" I answer

" she's the one who call me geek?" Billy ask me as he points to himself


" yep" I answer then I see this device on the table


" that looks really impressive, Billy what is it?" I ask him as I point to the device he pick it up

" it's a polarizing gauge scientists have predicted a rare solar storm for today" Billy explain


" cool" I said looking at it

" you can monitor the storm on that?" Trini ask him

" precisely, I'm collecting data for the science club" Billy answer

That's nice

I just nod my head

" hey guys" we hear Kim said as we turn around and she comes tours us with this girl I smile at them and wave at them

" Laura, I'd like you to meet my friends Trini, Billy and Hannah" Kim said introducing us

" hey" I said waving at her she wave back with a smile

" hi"Billy said looking at her I look at both of them

" hi" Laura said


" we're talking the angels on a hike that's why we're dressed like this" Kim explain as she looks at our outfit

That explains it

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