The Deal

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 Early in my life, I was never treated fairly. I was always told that the world was a place that never really will give a damn about me, or what I wanted. I guess this is true. "But can the world really be all that bad?" I used to think that every day. Till I saw the true innocence and guiltiness of this world. But I wasn't ever exposed to the innocence till I almost lost my best friend James. That's when he became an eternal and then everything changed.

"What are we doing here again James?" I asked my best friend James. A short black guy with a Phoenix tattoo on his neck labeling him into a local gang called the Phoenix Fighters. The store owner notices it and starts pouring with sweat. The store is small and full of mostly junk food and drinks, just like all gas stations. "Don't worry Ruby. I won't be long. Just stay with the bike and have it running. Ok?" James replied. "Fine, fine," I say with a big sigh heading back out of the store. The Phoenix Fighters are a big gang here in Chiscargleor . About the 3rd largest. I myself am not a part of them nor will I ever be. As the youngest child of the world-famous stunt motorcyclist Johnny Blaze, and famous news reporter Roxanne Simpson, I probably wouldn't be caught dead here, but James has been my best friend since we were in preschool. I would follow him anywhere.

I guess since we have some time let me tell you a little bit about me. Right now I'm 16, 5"8', a sophomore, and I'm on my way to my very first ever party, I know right! Exciting! But not so much although this is my first party I know what's waiting at home for me when I get home. A disappointed family going to give me a long talk even though I'm not the only one in my family to sneak out to go to a party. My older brother Craig and older sister Emma didn't get into as much trouble as me if they get caught sneaking out or back in. Sure, I've been to "parties" y'know the ones you dress fancy for, talk properly, and most definitely BORING. Though I should be fazed by the impending doom awaiting me at home. For once I'm doing what I want to do. And I couldn't care less what anyone else thinks. I'm not as famous as the rest of my family but I have my status and my own reputation that I have made for myself. And I'm proud that I'm making my own path apart from my family's choices.

Where the fuck is he?  I ask myself about 30 minutes after exiting the small gas station. I let out another sigh as I slowly realize that the air is suddenly getting really cold. Now, most of you would assume that "hey it might be winter" but it's the middle of May. It's not supposed to be this cold that I can see my breath as I exhale. I look around to see if it's just me, but no one is around so I can't tell. BANG! Gunshots? I ask myself before I hear more with a sprinting James coming at me. "GO GO GO!!!" He yells as he hops on my bike. Revving the gas, I kick up the kickstand and release the brake, speeding onto the street and back into the city.

"Who are those guys? Friends of yours?" I ask as I weave in and out of traffic desperately trying to lose the people shooting at us. "Uh. You could say that... SHIT!" "What!? What is it!?" I ask at his sudden choice of words. "Pull over out of the street." What? Why?" "JUST DO IT DAMMIT!!" It's rare for James to yell especially at me. With this I do as he says and pull into the first alley I see. Once I parked, he hopped off and went straight to a wall collapsing when he reached it. "Oh my god, are you OK?" I ask rushing to help him. "Yeah, I am I thi-" He says as he starts to vomit on the wall. As he finishes vomiting, I grab his face and examine him, checking for any injuries. Luckily, I'm not hurt but I don't know about him. "I'm fine dude! I'm fine!" He exclaims as I start moving my hands to his torso as I continue looking. Sighing I place my hands off of him and step back. "What the fuck happened back there?" I ask after about a minute. "Umm. Well, my boss wanted to speak to me about gang-related stuff... and I told him the truth and he didn't like it. So, he decided to try and kill me, well us." He says pointing his finger back and forth before us. "Well if you're really ok, we should probably go before they find us." "Yeah, you're probably right." Grabbing his hand, I help him up.

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