Keep your head held high.....

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 I walk into the usually quiet mechanic shop lobby. Full of parts and manuals with the slight mechanic's work in the back. "Hey, there slut how was school today?" Asks a man who is only 18 and doesn't have anything better to do. His name is Tom, for his age he's average height, build, and let's not forget the 'I'm a man and I can do as I please' attitude. His brown hair and white skin make that attitude sore into a real pain in someone's ass, mainly my ass. "Hello to you to Thomas. House you mom doing better after her surgery last week I hope." I say as I grab my ticket and clock in for my shift. "Uh-huh. You keep that attitude up and you'll definitely be fired. Cause my dad owns this shop and I can have you fired, plus I practically own the place so I can fire you right now. HAHA." He laughs as he returns to his work. If I did get fired that would be one less thing for me to dread. And just before I could go to change into my mechanics clothes Tom hollers at me, "Oh and there's some important person coming to this shop later so make sure to keep your legs closed. Ok sweetheart?" I hate it when he calls me sweetheart! "Of course Thomas. I'll be sure to be on my best behavior today." I reply just trying to ignore his annoying voice.

 Going into the ladies' room I change into my mechanics outfit and head to my locker. I put in the code, open the locker, put in my personal belongings, and close the locker. "AHHHHH! Mr. Bernanke! Oh jeez, you scared me." Mr. Bernanke is about 45 the owner of this shop 'Bernanke repair' and father to Tom Bernanke. He's about my height, slightly obese, but a sweet man as most older men. The reason why he scared me so bad was because he was standing behind my locker door and I didn't see him walk up.

 "Hello, Miss. Blaze. How are you today?"

 "Oh, I'm good sir. How about you. And your wife is she doing better after her surgery last week?"

 "She's doing much better thank you for asking. Oh and I'm well too thank you for that too. Um, Miss. Blaze I would like to tell you that today we will be having someone very important coming to the shop today. So don't be too busy in case they would like to speak to you."

 "Oh of course sir today I'll just be fixing some bikes and scooters that I haven't been done yet."

 "Oh good, I know that I can always rely on you. You always work so hard. I hate what people say about you. I know for a fact that they aren't true." He winks at me while putting his hand on my shoulder. I laugh a little, "Thank you sir I'm glad that you don't believe all of that nonsense. Welp better get to work."

 "Oh yes, gotta get that paycheck!" With that said he moves and lets me by. I enter the shop and head straight to the bicycle section. At Bernanke repair, we fix anything from the biggest crane to the little roller skates. Here in Boston, it's easy with all of the people here to get good business from all of these things.

 When I get to the bicycle section I get to work on some of the bikes that came in yesterday. Usually, this is Richard's job but that drunk hasn't shown up to work in over a month. I've been pulling late shifts just to keep up with his job and mine. Thankfully this section is the least active of them all. I fix up the 3 bikes, 2 scooters, and five roller skates, before my 5 PM dinner break. School gets out at 3:30 and my shift doesn't start till 4 and it's a five-minute drive to here so I stop by McDonald's and eat there then head over. So for my hour lunch, I work on homework in the lobby. In case anyone needs help. And the lobby is strict 'No Food Allowed'. Of course, I don't leave my books or homework alone. Usually, people don't come in this late but Tom is so lazy I do his job as well. 'Why don't you report it Ruby' is probably what you all are thinking. I would but that's just more drama than I need and trust me I have enough drama as it is.

 Not many people come in most don't need help finding things but if they ask I gladly help. I listen to music while I work, but I keep one headphone out. So I can pay attention to the customers and the other employees. The door opens right before my hour is up. "Welcome to Bernanke repairs! If you need any help with anything my name is Ruby and I'll help you." I look up to see a couple of gentlemen. They give me a nod and walk around the door opens again and I give the same lines to the new customer as well. I look at the clock on the computer next to me, 5:53. One more hour then I get to go home. Yay. I think to myself.

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