Chapter 4

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Merodi's Pov:

   I stepped onto the fighting area, my shoulders hunched and my eyes almost closed. I fiddled with my headphones and slipped them over my ears. Confident started playing and I relaxed. The kid I was fighting, TetsuTetsu I belive, said something. I couldn't hear it, but I assumed that it was something similar to what Kiri would have said. Those two seem super similar. Midnight shouted something else and I dropped into a fighting position. TetsuTetsu turned grey and held up his arms in a boxing position. Ah, I was right. His style would be head on and stubborn, just like Kiri's. I barely heard Midnight shout 'Go!'. Instantly I jumped to the side, anticipating a rush from TetsuTetsu in an effort to push me out. He skidded to a halt two feet behind where  I had been standing and turned to face me.
    "You're going to have to be a bit faster if you want to catch me," I said, trying to taunt him into charging again. I decided it was worth the risk to pull one headphone off.
    "-ey! That's not very nice!" He shouted, circleing me. "Not manly at all!"
   "Good, cause I'm not a man!" I shouted just before he charged. I took a deep breath, letting my throat relax and my mind clear of everything except the note I needed to sing. Then I jumped aside, twisting in the air and landing behind him.
    "Aaaahh!" I sang, the high pitched note blasting into his back and pushing him out of the fighting zone. I grabbed my throat and quickly stopped singing. I almost fell over but quickly steadied myself on my knees.
    "Good fight," TetsuTetsu said holding out a hand. "You're gonna be a great hero someday." He gave me a brilliant smile as I shook his hand.
   "Y-you too," I wispered, trying to prevent my voice from dying, or worse, my vocal cords bursting. They had done that once before and I never wanted it to happen again. I hobbled off and tried to find a quiet spot to relax. Shima beat me to it though.
    "Here Uta, I got you a spot! You were amazing!" She bounced around me and gave me a hug before leading me to an out of the way hall. I collapsed against the floor and gratefully accepted the water she handed me.
     "Thank you" I signed. I had made Shima take sign language classes with me. Probably the only time I had ever insisted on her doing something. I didn't usually insist on anything. It didn't work for me.

Shima's pov:

     I left fairly soon after Uta sat down. I knew her well enough to know she needed no one around her. That would make it much harder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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