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When Chloe and I arrive at the restaurant, Owen and Jack are already seated around a dimly-lit table. Chloe pecks Owen on the cheek as she shakes Jack's hand.
I take a seat in between Owen and Jack; across from Chloe.
Owen introduces himself to me and tells the story of how he and Chloe met. However, I don't hear the story because all I can think about is how his hair is the same shade of brown as mine! And why is he so freakishly tall when I'm so not! And, wow, he has really nice teeth.
While I think about how much I hate his stupid perfect teeth, I hear Owen mention they've only been dating for about a month. At this, I can't help but be surprised.

"And you guys are already living together?" I ask, incredulously.

Chloe jumps to answer with, "No! No. When you picked me up the other day I had just been hanging out at Owen's house."

At this confession, I feel lighter- almost hopeful- and I am finally able to enjoy the conversation at hand, which now consists of the other three sharing personal hobbies.

"I like to box. Keeps you in shape," Jack says through a mouthful of steak.

Owen nods approvingly at Jack and says, "I used to box. Now I'm more into CrossFit, though." I choke back a laugh. He's a CrossFit guy! Ew!

Chloe goes next. "I haven't done a competition in years, but I dance at this studio downtown."

My head whips towards her and I say, "You dance? I dance too!"

She laughs and shakes her head in disbelief. "No way? Are you joking? I've danced since I was like two, and-"

Owen cuts her off quickly. "Babe, can we please get back to dinner? I'm sorry but I don't think anyone wants to talk about dance." His face scrunches up and he flashes her a glimpse of his perfect teeth.

Chloe goes still for a moment but then tilts her head in such a way that it makes me worry about what is about to come out of her mouth.

"Oh, but people want to hear about your CrossFit career? Please, Owen; CrossFit is about the douchiest hobby you could have."

This sets Owen off. "Well I'd like to meet a dancer who can deadlift four hundred pounds!" Owen pauses for a moment, internally weighing what he's about to say. "Screw you Chloe!" He drops his napkin on the table and turns on his heel towards the door.

The remaining three of us sit in silence for a while before Jack announces that he's gonna head home. I do the same and ask Chloe if she wants to stay the night at my place. She nods gratefully.

The ride home is relatively normal. Chloe isn't crying, or even really that upset at all.

"Um, aren't you supposed to be sad since you pretty much just broke up with your boyfriend?" I ask her.

She chuckles darkly in response. "I should be sad over Owen? Good one, Maddie. I was just waiting for that relationship to run its course."

While this seems odd to me, I try to get away from the topic of Owen and his stupid perfect teeth as soon as possible. "So you dance!" I say excitedly.

"Yeah, and you do too!" Says Chloe. "I'll have to show you one of my routines when we get to your place."

Yes please! I think, but I play it cool. "Uh, yeah. Yep. Let's do it." Semi-cool, I guess I should say.

I can feels Chloe's eyes on me. When I look over to her, she's squinting at me with the slightest hint of a smile playing across her lips. "Can we swing by my place to grab some stuff?" She asks me, and I nod. "I know the perfect routine to perform," she finally says.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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