°old lovers°

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I walk through the streets of Florence. Smiling down at the children running around.

I walk over to a stand of women selling some necklaces. I look down at the stand. As I look at the necklaces one caught my eye. It was made of gold and had a beautiful golden rose. I picked it up to look at it closer.

"That would look beautiful on you dear," the old women say to me.

"Thank you... How much?" I ask.

"1 copper coin please" the old women replied

I smile at her then I reach over into her bag of money I was carrying and fish out 1 copper coin. Then hand it to her.

"Thank you, Madonna" the women thanks me.

I slowly start to back away.

"Here let me help you"

I gasp when I hear his voice and turn around as fast as I can.

They're right there is Francisco de Pazzi. My old lover.

"Francisco?" I ask shock clear in my voice.

Francisco chuckles then walks over to me and takes the necklace out of my hand.

I turn around and lift my hair out of his way.

He slowly puts the necklace around me touching my skin purposely and slowly dragging his fingers to the back of my neck. Shivers run down my spine everywhere where his fingers touch.

He slowly clasps the necklace together his fingers linger on my neck a little longer before he pulls away.

I slowly turn around to face him. My face flushes into a red when I see how close we are to each other.

I look up at him staring into his chocolate brown eyes my breath hitching in the back of my throat.

"I did not know you were in Florence" I whisper to him.

"And you didn't tell me you were going to marry Lorenzo de Medici." He says back whispering to me harshly.

"I didn't know until a few weeks ago" I reply.

"Oh, but your father gave you a choice" he replys.

"Francisco..." I try to say more but I'm cut off.

 ●The love of two● Lorenzo de MediciWhere stories live. Discover now