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I walk down the streets of Florence waving at the people as I pass by. I hum a small toon as I make my way towards the church.

It always surprises me the beauty of this city. I smile when the church comes into my view and I make my way to it and enter the grand ancient doors.

"Ah Madonna how may we help you?" A monk asks me.

I smile at him "I'm just here to pay my respects"

He smiles and nods at me.

I head to the statue of Mary and go onto my knees and pray.


I grip my cross necklace and thank the Lord then slowly stand up and make my way home.

"Ah there you are my love"

I look towards my husband's voice and make my way towards him from the entranceway

"You were looking for me, my love?" I ask as I look up at him admiring his blue eyes.

"I was indeed I wanted to know if you wanted to go for a ride?" Lorenzo ask me as he slips a hand around my waist

"And why would I do that I just got home and I want to cuddle my baby" I smile as I tease him

"Because you love me"

I throw my head back and laugh "alright but I'm only going because I think your cute"

I leave his warm arms and I instantly miss them as I make my way towards the stables as my husband fallows.

I walk towards my white horse and I stroke his head as the stable boy puts the saddle and harness on.

"All done madonna"

I thank the stable boy mount my horse. I look at my husband and find him just mounting

I smirk when an idea pops in my head "last one to the main gates has to change Piero"

And with those words, I rush towards the main gates with Lorenzo following behind me.

I laugh once I pass the main gate into the city. I bring my horse to a stop and look back at a frowning Lorenzo.

"I won," I say with a cheeky grin on my face that makes Lorenzo smile at me.

He laughs. "Come"

I bring my horse next to his as I follow him to who nos where.

After a good 30 minutes, Lorenzo has brought me to a hill with a gorges view of the valley.

I step down from my horse and walk closer to the edge of the hill.

I feel arms wrap around me as both I and my husband stare at the valley.

I unwrap Lorenzo's arms around me and turn to look at him

I back up slowly and say "this is- AHH!" I step on my dress with my shoe which causes me to fall backwards

"ELENA" I hear Lorenzo yell as I roll down the hill rocks and weeds hitting me.

Then I don't remember what's next cause all I feel is sudden pain in my head and everything goes black.



I'm back! Sorry for the long wait my life hasn't been the best these past months.

But hey I had to update when we hit 11k VIEWS thank you guys so much

Oh quick question should I make fanfiction for the tv show Merlin? Of course for Arthur but should I? I mean I've made an edit for it but I'm not sure if I should

 ●The love of two● Lorenzo de MediciWhere stories live. Discover now